Arthur MacGregor

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Revision as of 08:02, 18 August 2008 by Mithrandiel (talk | contribs) (Added Arthur's unique award)

Squire Arthur MacGregor, of Siar Geata, Dragonspine

”I would say I'm sorry...But I'm not”

”Ya know what the worst thing about playing unicorn is? Telling your dad that you're gay.”



Arthur has played extensively in Colorado, most recently in the Northern Holdfast of the Iron Mountains. After joining the Navy, he was eventually stationed in San Diego, where he has begun to attend Siar Geata and whoop on people.

He's recently taken to spamming the Siar Geata forum with all manner of humorous drivel, where he excels at mocking his fellow human beings. Especially the dumb ones.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Squire to Sir Rabbitt Wallcrusher, who was squired to Dame Palan Torrid.

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images


Arthur moves at the speed of awesome.

He also received a special award during Siar Geata's Time of the Crown in Summer '08:

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website