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Tesla Valkyrie End'Oh, of Paragon's Cross of the Celestial Kingdom
”Don't fuck with me...I'm a pirate.”
”You don't even know!”
Tesla began playing the game in 2011. She is a beloved member of Paragon's Cross but went inactive due to moving to San Marcos to attend TSU and picked up fighting in Austin. Tesla is known for having a fierce, heavy-hitting fighting style. She can commonly be found sewing with Sinew, goes crazy over black linen, and mostly brutalizes other Torches on the field or in the Dojo.
Some Fairly Well Known Facts:
- Tesla originally hails from Laredo and is used to seeing dead bodies in the middle of the road
- Tesla will murder you in your sleep for even speaking ill of her fur babies
- Tesla is a regular of Dojo-512
- Tesla has 6 orders of the warrior and is working on her 7th
Affiliated Groups
- The Sacred Order of the Righteous Brotherhood of the Chosen, Holy Warriors of BoB the Unforgiving
- House End'Oh
Notable Accomplishments
- Raised to High Priest of the Chosen during Spring War 2022
Offices Held
- Baroness and Seneschal of Paragon's Cross January 2014-July 2014
- Regent Pro Tem of Paragon's Cross May-July 2014
- Celestial Kingdom Board of Directors Secretary May 2014-November 2014