Zero Nilnix

From AmtWiki

Zero NilNix, of Morohaven, Neverwinter


Zero Nilnix


First recorded sign in 09/22/2015

Zero could always be found with optimism and a smile on his face, often leading the park as Morohaven's Baron. Zero was the owner of most of morohavens armory and would bring all his the parks equipment every week. Zero most often found playing the Barbarian class would regularly be the ironic peace/mediator whenever an argument would break out.

Zero also was the benefactor to the legendary Artifact Michael’s Hammer on multiple occasions

Zero Nilnix wielding Michael’s Hammer

Affiliated Groups


Fighting Companies

Member of Dragon Claw Company

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

Received the Title of Lord 11/11/2017

Additional Images

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif