Bjorn (WL)
"Here. Let me show you..."
Lord Bjorn started playing Amtgard in 1997, in the mundane realm of Texas. His first park was a province who's original name is lost to history which he helped found. this province was later renamed Avalon, and then Shadowkeep. From there he went on the Germany and started Stien Brooke, and translated the rule book into German. Upon returning he re-started the Barony of the Evergreen Vale, and then went on to form Faulas Gerran, which disappeared when he was forced to leave. He returned to Shadowkeep, and assisted it in becoming a Duchy. During this time, he played a key role in the formation of Elesian Woods, which also later disappeared. Do to political unrest, and frustrations at having his work usurped by outsiders and those who were jealous of the work he did, he left and built Ironwood. Which, after six months from its foundation, had the numbers for Duchy and was awarded the rank of Barony. After his labors in constructing and leading Ironwood, Bjorn left Texas and traveled the realms of Amtgardia via truck, and settled in the area of Madoc's Keep, which he labored to help bring to the rank of Barony. He then moved back to The Wetlands, and where he was first Sheriff, then Baron of a rebuilt Shadowkeep. He currently attends Sun Fall Abbey.
Affiliated Groups
Belted Family
- Squire to Sir Little John
Notable Accomplishments
- Founder of Shadowkeep (Barony)
- Founder of Stien Brooke (Now gone)
- Revitalized Evergreen Vale (Now gone)
- Founder of Faulas Gerran (Now gone)
- Founder of Elesian Woods (Now gone)
- Founder of Iron Wood (Barony)
- Brought Shadowkeep to Duchy
- Brought Ironwood to Barony
- Assisted in Bringing Madoc's Keep to Barony
- Baronial Regent of Shadowkeep three terms
- GM of Druids in the Wetlands
- Sheriff of Iron Wood two and a half terms
- Baronial Regent of Madoc's Keep two terms
- Sheriff of Shadowkeep one term
- Baron of Shadowkeep one term
- Kingdom Regent of the [Wetlands] one term
- Duke of Sun Fall Abby one term
- Lord title granted by Paint Taylor of the Rising Winds on 20 January 2007.
- DragonMaster of the Wetlands 12 September 2015
- Count title granted by Sir Juju Hex Mojo
Personal Website
More Information
- [ORK]