Yhamish mckrotch
From AmtWiki
Baronet Squire Yhamish McKrotch of Murky Waters, Celestial Kingdom
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit, and hope they never figure it out.
- Joined 1998 with the Barony of Xanadu in Heights, Tx under the Celestial Kingdom.
- 2000 formed the Western Dragon Hills Carson City, NV.
- 2000 Brought forth the era of AMTGARD to Northern Nevada.
- 2004 Actually cause a ruptured testical using his pole arm when a fighter misjudged his ability and stopped the thrust with his groin.
- 2006 took a 1/2 year off to straighten mundane issues up.
- 2007 rejoined with the Shire of Fal Dare of Carson City, NV
- ?-2016 Somehow ended up in Crystal Groves long enough to get married, have a kid, and reign once as Monarch
- 2016 Returned to the Celestial Kingdom and settled at Murky Waters.
Affiliated Groups
- Currently head of House in the Pirate Clan McKrotch. Membership requirements: Either one be related or figuratively related to Yhamish. Or take on hell of a hit to the groin region that one is always remembered by Yhamish. Hence the Name McKrotch.
- 1998 Teutonic Fighting Company under the command of Baron Hans Schmidtt of Xanadu the tabard of white with a black cross.
- 2000 Commander of the Northern Teutonic Fighting Company the tabard of black with a white cross.
- Full S Membership Saracens
Notable Accomplishments
- Co Captain of the Royal Guard Celestial Kingdom
- 7 Orders of the Rose
- Royal Guard Member Westmarch Confederacy
- Known as the Father of Northern Nevada AMTGARD
- Has had weapons banned from use due to his shear strength. (footman's flail is the most notable ask Sir Theo)
- Had rule instated to have to wear something under the kilt thanks to him flashing the field at Spring War.
Classes at 6th
- Barbarian
- Bard
- Monster
- Wizard
- Warrior
Offices Held
- Prime Minister Barony of Xanadu fall spring of 2000.
- Sheriff Shire of Western Dragon Hills Multiple times.
- Regent Shire of Western Dragon Hills 2002.
- Prime Minister Western Dragon Hills 2004.
- Defender Western Dragon Hills 2005.
- Defender Shire of Fal Dare 2008, 2010.
- Prime Minister Shire Of Fal Dare 2009.
- Sheriff Shire Of Fal Dare 2009.
- Baron Barony of Fal Dare 2011, 2012.
- Sheriff Shire of Eternal Wolf 2012, 2013.
- King of Crystal Groves 2015
- Title of Baronet given by Queen Esuom ap Taed of the Celestial Kingdom.
In order by reception.
- Page to Sir Azkar Raintree.
- Squire Sir Azkar Raintree.
- Squire to Dame Morgana due to the passing Sir Azkar Raintree.
- Squire to Archduke Sir Rufus Grimwulff due to the passing of Dame Morgana.
- Squire to Sir Nightmare due to the retirement of their former knight, Rufus Grimwulff
More Info
Video Links
- Best of Yhamish
- Fal Dare kill shots
- Western Dragon Hills Members Tribute
- Tournament round six Fal Dare v Desert Winds
- Tournament round Five Fal Dare
Email and Web Pages
- relic316@hotmail.com
- yhamishmckrotch@yahoo.com
- my Myspace page
- my household Myspace page
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