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Baronet Squire Montag Tangoth, of the Rising Sun Station
”He's so late!”
Started playing in the Sea of Rhye in 1999, raised by Sir Iago and Dame Katala before being belted to Dame Fionna at Great Eastern III. Founded the Shire of Silver Lance in '03 with his (then) Page, Aiyana Tishir. Returned to the Sea of Rhye, serving a term as Baron, before moving to pursue mundane interests. Now plays at Rising Sun Station, serving multiple terms in Kingdom Monarchy for Crystal Groves.
Affiliated Groups
Belted Family
- Dame Galtana (Serpent: 2006, Flame: 2010)
- Squire Gwendilyne
- Squire Trelick
- Woman at Arms Jilyana inactive
- Woman at Arms Valorin
- Man at Arms Ainvar
- Man at Arms Havelock inactive
- Man at Arms Crono
- Woman at Arms Talia inactive
- Page W.H.Nudell
- Page Rian inactive
- Dame Galtana (Serpent: 2006, Flame: 2010)
Notable Accomplishments
Additional Images
More Information
- Personal Website
- Company Website