Pirates of Stormwall
"Wing it!" - Said by almost every Pirate in response to the question of how we are going to get something done.
- Sir Ozymandias De Mandaloria
- Baron Sir Furball Tigris, Privateer of the Wetlands
- Captain of The Revenge
- Kail Silverthorn
- Captain of The Iron Maiden
- Lady Squire Callista
- First Mate of The Revenge
- Duchess Squire Limbo
- Captian of The Gemini
- Rhyno McJope
- Captain of The Dark Lady
- Lordlet Hawklynn Stormcloak, Esquire
- Captain of The Mad Jack
- Lady Misto Stormcloak
- Lord Squire Groo-Nin
- Baroness Amaranth Talmage-Locheil de la Everbong, Esquire.
- Baron Hafgar Locheil
- Captain of The Indefatigable
- Orel McJope
- Lord Sweetchunk Mctubbins
- Bowtag
- Lona McJope
- Cub
- Apex
- Helios
- Squire Locrian Migez
- SirHorus
- Pilfer
- Lord Tex
- Lord Scruffy
- Jus' Joe
- LowKey
- Little Bitch Reiko Ironwolf
- Belle
- Reginald
- Moss
- The Black Man
Colors and Symbols
- As historical pirates never assigned a uniform the current incarnation of the crew does not ascribe to the idea of "colors". As such they have no unifying colors tho they, with few exceptions, tend to wear blacks with highlights and symbols in white. The skull and crossbones are universally attached to the pirate theme but those in the know recognize the distinctly warped Jolly Roger known as "Lumpy".
"Lumpy" as he is lovingly referred to is the jagged jolly roger of the crew. The distinct over-sized right eye socket and disjointed warped jaw set it aside from other pirate marks. First discovered at the crew's local tattoo shop on an unused tattoo flash sheet, they immediately knew they had found their symbol. The founding members and a majority of the following members have all been subsequently tattooed with the image. The tattoos started as a simple line drawing in different colors to signify the different crew members. Quickly running out of colors the crew started decorating Lumpy with hats and bows, different figuratives instead of crossed bones IE cannon and swords, and started adding personal heraldry items to the enlarged eye socket. The founding members originally got the tattoo on their stomachs at the base of the sternum. yet there is no set rule against it being placed anywhere else.
The "No" vote.
"Hair of the Frog" Initiate drink
Long live Midnight Munchies!!
The Semi-annual Pirates Xmas kinda thing party with no religious connotations gathering.
Banner relocation
Service to the game and people first
- Letter of Marque, given by Sir Feral Lynn
- Blanket Rose, given by Redhawk Longwing
- Blanket (excluding Oz) Rose, given by Sir Ozymandias de Mandaloria