House Amtaku
”A House for the Amtgard Otaku”
Amtaku, a household for the Amtgard Otaku. This household aims to help with learning the Japanese language, learning Japanese culture, spreading the goodness of Anime and Manga, roleplaying and helping eachother and others out with cosplays for conventions (as well as awesome Monster Garb). For added fun, we use military terms for our ranks.
House Amtaku started in Summer of 2010 as an idea between a group of friends. Fall of 2010, the idea became a reality, and we got our name, our first members, and our heraldry. Although we have just begun, we are already a strong household that stands behind its causes.
Amtaku Membership
Baroness Squire Klepto of Mithril Hills - General
Anaton of Mithril Hills - Captain
Buckethead of Mithril Hills - 2nd Captain
Aldrick of Mithril Hills - Private
Aries of Mithril Hills - Private
Page Bex of Mithril Hills - Private
Baroness Squire Christiana of Mithril Hills - Private
Christine of Mithril Hills- Private
Enamos of Mithril Hills - Private
Falcon - Private
Lady Isone of Obsidian Grove - Private
Kuusooka of Mithril Hills - Private
Woman-at-Arms Momo of Mithril Hills - Private
Squire Nialo of Dragons of Fire Valley - Private
Obi of Mithril Hills - Private
Ratt of Mithril Hills - Private
Man-at-Arms Requiem of Mithril Hills - Private
Cadets (pledges):
Altairus of Mithril Hills - (Since June 12, 2011, In line with Private Aries)
Lord Bloody Maw of Obsidian Grove- (Since March 23, 2011, In line with Private Isone)
Duran the Beast of Dragons of Fire Valley- (Since July 13, 2011, In line with Private Christine O' Clark)
Illiana of Obsidian Grove - (Since May 30, 2011, In line with Private Isone)
Noram of Mithril Hills - (Since June 18, 2011, In line with Captain Anaton)
Pyroe of Mithril Hills - (Since June 19, 2011, In line with Captain Anaton)
More Information
- Contact [[mailto:"[email protected]" "Klepto"]] for more information.