Bambie De Leviathan

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Captain Bambie De Leviathan, Defender of Love

”I can solo the world!!!”


Born of one of the most powerful clans of Seadogs known as the Northshadow clan, Bambie was one of three bastards to have been raised and brainwashed by the mother, whom was one of the heads of the Northshadow clan. Their mother had raised them and traveled to a few select Renascence events where Bambie had learned the basic rules for sword fighting at the age of four. Until he had become fourteen did the Northshadow clan sent a message to the mother, who was the sister of the co-heads of house. They invited Bambie's family to join their caravan as they made way to their first pirate event, Seadogs where they all enjoyed their time and was introduced to the rest of the Northshadow clan they had not seen since Bambie was wee little. While they were attending Seadogs he was shown how to forge his own weapons to fight with against other teenagers around the event. After Seadogs was over Bambie had fired a forge back at home and began working on his own armory.

Time Line

Affiliated Groups

Black Hand (Company)

Notable Accomplishments

Took first at the Fight For Your Love Tournament at Seadogs 2012.'

Recieved the title Defender of Love and a shield for himself and his lady, Faline.

More Information
