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Revision as of 22:03, 9 November 2007 by (talk) (New page: the Johnny-a-thon occurred at Rakis in 2001 or 2002. It mainly consisted of various people in Wu Tang Clan sitting around the campsite with William bored. William began ran...)
the Johnny-a-thon occurred at Rakis in 2001 or 2002. It mainly consisted of various people in Wu Tang Clan sitting around the campsite with William bored. William began ranting about something or other and started deeming people Johnny something or rather. For some reason everyone in the camp site found this incrediably funny and started assigning each other Johnny names until something was agreed upon by all as fitting. Johnny names include Johnny Trap Springer (William), Johnny Cheap Beer (Giles), Johnny Mutton Chops (Sponge), Johnny One Slant Eye (Eggman) and Johnny Slovingly (Zumat). Many other names have been forgotten.