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Kingdom of Rising Winds

a located in Zagreb, Croatia. The term "Krvomedje" is a game of words. It can be translated as "Bloodhoney" (one of the possible translations of the term "Balkans") or "Bloodborder" (Krvomedje is located near river Sava that is an imaginary border of Balkan peninsula).



Also known as "Krvomeđe". Shire founded in 2005 in Zagreb, Croatia. Is currently the only active Amtgard chapter in Croatia and nearby countries. Though at least three other chapters once exsisted in Croatia; Histria, Kothenya, and Vinske Gore. Once a Freehold, this is now a chapter of the Rising Winds.

LARP in Croatia started in late '90s, soon after the war. I'm not exactly sure how it started, but I heard someone here had contact with someone in Amtgard and opened a chapter. For the first couple of years, the only LARP event was the Summer Session near Kutina, which was held once yearly and gathered LARPers from entire Croatia. I believe Summer Session 7 and 8 were the largest LARPs in Croatia ever, gathering over 100 people. Soon, another chapter opened in Motovun, Istria, and became a widely successful second event of the year, gathering 20-30 players but it went down couple of years later due to legal troubles. Summer Session started to lose people too due to terrain owner becoming greedy (one year during the LARP we had boy scouts, rock concert, paintball players, and random drunken people from nearby villages having sex on the terrain... it was a mess), and it never recovered (it became a non-LARP event). Meanwhile, some guys from Osijek started the first Amtgard compatible LARP, and Krvomeđe started, which offered regular short LARPs for the first time and also the multi-day events in Budinjak, at the Žumberak hills. While all that was happening, Croatian LARP players were splintering, basically in 2006 there were four groups: One group wanted to stay 100% true to Amtgard rules, corpora etc. They succeeded and remained as Krvomeđe. Another group wanted to stay true to Amtgard rules, but dismiss the strict adherence to them and the corpora and cut ties with American kingdoms. They succeeded, but continued to be in good standing with Amtgard folks despite the disagreements. Third group wanted to replace Amtgard rules with similar and compatible ones, developed for Croatian player needs. They succeeded (or should I say we succeeded). There was some bad blood afterwards. Fourth group wanted to replace Amtgard with a new skill-based system. They failed because almost nobody liked it.

So basically, LARP in Croatia remained divided in three groups: Krvomeđe and some freelancers who preferred pure Amtgard and they stayed as Amtgard Players from Osijek who still play by Amtgard rules Ognjeni Mač association with its own system - which remains largely Amtgard-compatible, but includes some extra classes, some classes got merged, has quicker leveling and a skill system in addition to levels (you can "buy" a level or a skill with credits), and includes multiclass rules and rules for crafting (potions, scrolls, lesser magical items).

Groups are not exclusive, and almost all regular players from either group play together with all groups. We always schedule our events together, so that they don't overlap.

LARP population in Croatia is around 100 players, of them there are some 40 which could be considered extremely active.

Basically, here are Croatian LARP events:

Official Amtgard events are: Rajski Vrhovi - weekend camping event which is held twice a year (usually in June and August) Krvomeđe - park event, content varies - it has been on hold for some time, but it resumes regularly this Sunday There are some pictures here: ... ?main=gall but they are several years old. Pics from Rajski Vrhovi look better, but they're not on the net...

Freelancing LARPs: (Amtgard people and rules, but organized unofficially) Lubena - weekend camping event, this one is somewhat different from others - no monsters at all, but weird things happen to players there, scheduled irregularly once in a year Various feasts - they're usually sleepover-type in-game feasts Some photos from feasts are available here:

Ognjeni Mač is organizing events which are quite hardcore (non-stop roleplaying and action during the entire event): Jaska LARP - four-day event held twice a year (May and July) Maksimir - a park event organized bi-weekly from spring to autumn Lots of pics here:

Current Officers


This is to inform you that the shire of Krvomedje will organize a 3 days Amtgard event in Zumberak mountains, Croatia. The event will take place from 28th - 31st August 2008. The Almighty Chibi from Frostlands attended out last event in Zumberak in May 2007 this year and she liked it very much. So, if any of you will be in Europe, close to Croatia at the time of the event, please let me know. You are welcome. Persons interested in coming should contact me first at [email protected]

All the best and greetings from Croatia!

Sheriff: Marduke Regent: lord Zlatko Kramparich ([email protected]) Prime minister: Ravion


Directions and Contacts

In the summer (from 1st April until 31st October) time we meet each Sunday at 4 PM at Savica Sanci lake in Zagreb, Croatia. During winter we meet at the same location at 2 PM. The event last until sundown. In the case of rain, snow (in the winter) or extreme heat (over 35 degrees Celsius in the summer) we cancel the meeting.

File:Krvomeđe Map.jpg

Twice per year we organize a 3 or 4 day event in Zumberak Mountain (65 kilometers away from Zagreb). This location we call "Rajski Vrhovi" (which is Peaks of Heaven in Croatian). We don't cancel events that last for more than one day because of the weather.

Our next event in Zumberak mountain will take place form 29th - 31st August 2008. If any of you will maybe be close to Croatia and willing to join us, please contact me at [email protected]

Home page:

Forums: yahoo group

The information on this page maintained by Zlatko. Thanks Zlatko!