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Saffron, of Mists of the Dawn

”I won't damage your brain until I understand it.”



Saffron is a feisty female from Mists of the Dawn in Apple Valley, Minnesota. Her favored class is Barbarian, and she is notorious for her wicked arm with her throwies, one of which has a name: the "Bitch Finder 5000". Her introduction to Amtgard began in March 2006 at Starmount but she didn't start attending Amtgard regularly until August 2008 at Mists of the Dawn. Most people are shocked to find out that she is the cousin of Rilla

Affiliated Groups

House Ravenos - Member
Midwest Trading Company - Slave keeper on Dawn's Kraken
Order of the Spice Rack - Mistress
Phoenix Guard -

Belted Line

Initially was Woman at Arms to Sir Zodiac Darkjester, but has since been taken as a Squire.

Notable Accomplishments


Mists of the Dawn Regent 11/2009-5/2010

Additional Images

bluehairsmile.jpg grinningatamtgard.jpg

More Information

  • Company Website