Quynn Fyresong
Quynn of the Rising Winds
"What am I doing wrong?" ~Quynn
- look. I'm being contemplative...ohhhh
- the Adorable Assassin
Quynn started playing back in March of 2007 and making the official n00b mistake of starting to level up the class Assassin first with the thought of "awesome! I can be a ninja", this immaculate event of her first Amt experience happended at Thundering Rivers in Elkhart IN. Thus started the career and nickname of the "Adorable Assassin". Since Thundering Rivers she has moved on to the Port of Winter's Night when she started dating Mercury and also made the occasional appearance down at Gryphon's Perch for convienience and friends. She is (to say the least) an "aspiring" female stick jock, poet and student. Recently she permanently relocated to Gryphon's Perch. A mover and a shaker of all sorts, and is seen at parks all over the Rising Winds.
Group Affiliations
- Ferrum Crux Fighting Company
- House Margarita Chicks
- House Critter and the Hot Chicks
Belted Line
- ex Man-at-Arms to Squire Lord Ragnar but dropped the belt when Ragnar left Amtgard
Notable Achievements
- Official Ninja Bunny of the Western Gate (Coronation April 2007)
- 1/2 of the Rising Winds Most Wanted