Usul Blacktongue

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Revision as of 15:17, 7 October 2008 by Linden (talk | contribs) (removed reference to Goldenvale as the chapter has not been accepted.)

MaA Usul Blacktongue, of the Freehold Loa's Landing



The Random Facts

Captain Jack Cross Got there first

Full Name: Usul Blacktongue Morvien Fellwater

Skirit Naming: Each surname is taken from the mother's side and are given accordingly: Individual, Nest, Den, Clan.

Affiliated Groups

Saracen Initiate -Tribe Red Fist
Black Cross Pirates

Belted Family

Usul is Man at Arms to Squire Abiliegh Cross of the Celestial Kingdom. Usul is currently being fostered by Sir Angrist Galvorn

Notable Accomplishments

Prime Minister of Loa's Landing October 2008-

Additional Images

More Information