Pre History of West March

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Revision as of 14:36, 30 September 2007 by Linden (talk | contribs)

This is the discussion about the creation of the group of Westmarch and some of the things done to facilitate it.'

The California groups have tried more than once to put together a confederacy strong enough to reach kingdom status. For a variety of reasons this has not yet come to pass. There is talk of a new effort toward kingdom status in Northern California under the name Westmarch.

Westmarch's peition for status has not yet been sent nor accepted by Dragonspine, yet they plan to hold their first coronation called the 'Prince's War' on August 17-19 2007.

The Dragonspine BOD unanimously accepted the WM corpora on Monday July 09, 2007. This was the second time the WM corpora had been submitted for approval. The original corpora was written up as a full kingdom corpora with the understanding that only the principality-level sections and below were actively used until WM actually became a kingdom. The DSBOD felt that the kingdom-level rules should be removed, so they were moved to an appendix with the understanding that these rules would be moved back at the appropriate time. They also wanted changes to the way Guildmasters and Knights were created.

Once Westmarch has put together a formal request for Principality status, they will submit it to the DSBOD. Once it's approved (over however many iterations) Westmarch will become an official entity within Amtgard.

At an althing held Saturday June 8th, 2007, the voting populace of Siar Geata decided unanimously to join Westmarch as soon as it became official. An intermediate step in that process was to petition Dragonspine.

Crimson Wood has yet to join Westmarch.

On September 29th 2007 King Randall Sent out this letter the Dragonspine list. It is here reprinted for posterity.

Unto the populace of Dragonspine and beyond,

The Dragonspine Board of Directors reviewed Westmarch's revised petition for principality status. Here are the minutes of our brief meeting:

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September 29th, 2007

Present were Isaac Milner (President), Ben Glickler (Monarch), Steve Bencomo, Charles (Sain, last name misheard by Ben), Lisa Manguso (Prime Minister). Members of the populace were also in attendance.

Missing was Amy Glickler (Vice President)

Meeting called to order by Isaac at 1:15pm.

1. Westmarch

Isaac recounted Westmarch's revised petition to the board. The Board agreed that Westmarch had provided more complete information and had demonstrated its ability to continue to conduct internal audits. Steve noted that he recognized that Westmarch had some problems, but preferred that Westmarch be given autonomy so they can address the problems themselves. Other members of the Board added discussion in favor of approving Westmarch.

Lisa asked what would happen if a Westmarch land wanted to leave Westmarch but remain part of Dragonspine. Ben commented that this might be something for later discussion, but that he generally felt all California lands in Dragonspine should be Westmarch for administrative purposes unless Westmarch does not want them. Ben noted that allowing or encouraging lands to be Dragonspine without also being Westmarch could encourage factions to splinter the principality. All Board members agreed to re-examine the issue.

Motion by Lisa to approve Westmarch's petition and send it to an Althing, seconded by Ben. Passed 5-0.

Motion to adjourn by Ben at approximately 1:25pm, seconded by Lisa. Passed 5-0.

- - - - -

An Althing was then held. Several people paid dues last week and did not show up for the elections, and Dragonspine was thus barely short on a quorum. This was waived by joint decree by me and Emer, and the Althing proceeded. The populace was told what the DSBOD had discussed and decided, and then a vote was held. Westmarch was unanimously approved.

To the people of the Principality of Westmarch, and to Princess Ailanthus, I bid you welcome!

This means that the Duchy of Crimson Wood is also accepted as a Dragonspine and Westmarch land. The populace was informed that this would occur if they voted yes. Yes, that says duchy. Congratulations!

I then called Grix and Elspeth to relay the news.

So congratulations once more.

King Randall /XX\