Sage Ravyn Paw

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Page Sage Raven Firestrike, of Autumn Grove a Freehold




Relatively new to Amtgard, but is slowly becoming more addicted. Sage plays a healer and loves the fact that everyone tries to protect her. She often gloats about dying last.

Character History

[Warning: Quick typing and writing in this section. There's a good chance of technical errors.]

My family was very close to each other when I was a child. My mother tried to teach me the 'Womanly' things of the world. I learned how to cook, sew, and clean from her. However, I learned the more interesting subjects from my father. He taught me how to read, write, and do math figures. Because I asked, he also taught me what I know about healing. From my brothers, I learned how to fight. If I didn't protect myself, I got bruises. Unfortunately, I was bruised more often then not.Every night, after diner, my family would sit around the fire to talk and sing. Eventually, my father would begin a story. All of his stories were about how the stars got up in the sky and what they signify. Afterwards, he and I would stand outside. I would ask him about sertain constellations. I was actually interested in the stars, even if it was also a wonderful way to get out of going to bed. I like to think that he knew that.

In all hindsight, one of th things that I regret the most is that I didn't spend more time with my cousins when I had the chance. They lived in a different world then I did, even if they were a part of the same clan as me. We all lived in a town that was mostly inhabited by the Firestrike kitsune. Their father was a lord, while their mother was dead. My cousins were left in the care of an elderly woman and her husband. They tended to 'run wild' as my father said. When talking about them as a group, my mother would call them 'those unfortunate children and their busy father.' Then, after a moment of thought, she would invite them over for a slightly awkward dinner.

Needless to say, I did not know my cousins very well. I still can't say that I got very close to any of them, other then Taver. Now, I can't help but wonder what they might have been like before we were changed and how they might have been transformed by the tragedy that befell the Firestrike clan.

I had found, among the few pieces of my father's library, a scroll about the stars. Once I saw it, I spirited the scroll and myself away to my own personal hidey-hole. I stayed there for hours, reading about the stars. I reread the story of my favorite constellation, Vulpecula, even though I had asked my father to tell the exact same story on a million different nights.

I cam home to massive fires. What had once been my home was a flickering orange and yellow sighed accompanied by the smell of burning fur and flesh. The smoke burned my eyes, causing them to tear up. After that, I didn't need the excuse of the smoke. I was simply crying. Fire rained down on my clan in a disaster that is not called the "Inferno", and I had survived by default.

It was a confusing time, but I was lucky. I wondered around in the smoldering buildings and ashes until I, somehow found somewhat familiar faces. I met up with my cousins, Taver and her brotheres. After that, a kind man named Ftyz took us it. He was half of the elderly couple that had raised my cousins. He was, as of the "Inferno" a widower. We made a home, but it was disturbed by nightmares and the hauntings of the past.

Suddenly, Taver left us. We didn't know it until she was gone and all hopes of tracking her had disappeared. I spent a week pacing the floor and worrying about my cousin. Was she safe? Would I slowly continue to loose the small family that I had? While these thoughts whirled around my mind, I couldn't help but to also wonder if any of my family might have survived the way that Taver's did. At the end of the week, I asked Fytz why Taver left. Instead, I earned myself a completely different sort of story then I was use to. Through it, I learned the cause of the "Inferno". I said my goodbyes and left that very same night.

Through the conversation with Fytz, I learned that Taver left us to seek revenge against the one in charge of the "Inferno". I knew that I was not as brave as her and I looked up to her for her actions. However, I did not try to follow her path. I did not believe that I would be helpful on a journey for revenge. Instead, my adventure was of a more selfish tone. I searched for my head, my heart, and my home.

More to be typed at a later date

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

  • N/A

Notable Accomplishments

  • Braids amazing sashes.
  • Sage has proven her mettle already, only being active a couple months. She is often accompanied by her real-life brother, Target.

Belted Family

  • Page to Taver Firestrike via Taver's nobility.

More Information

  • Is cousin to Taver
  • Makes BAD ASS cookies.