
From AmtWiki

Tiwaz Gustav Ormandson, of Pegasus Valley, in The Kingdom of Dragonspine

"ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH" the cry he uses to intimidate newbies, pretty scary huh?


Tiwaz is 30 feet tall and made of cheese.

Tiwaz Gustav Ormandson was born in 994 on the southern outskirts of Heiðabýr or Haithabu commonly known as Hedeby in the modern era. Tiwaz was the Eldest son to a Chieftain named Ormand Einar Flokesson who was granted the land in 983 after the Danes had regained control from the Holy Roman Empire.


Belted Family


Affiliated Groups

None currently

Notable Accomplishments

See O.R.K. for other awards.