The Duskwalker’s Saga of Kanphuzian & Enlightenment

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Type Artifact
Use Always on while carried
Material Component A leather-bound book with a swords-and-sorcery appearance
Incantation None
Effect Player gains Break Concentration (m) 1/Life
Limitation none

Trivia: This item is named after Sir Kanphuzian Dustwalker, Paragon Monk, in honor of his knighting at NLCC spring 2024.

Category: Voltron Tournament
Main Articles: Voltron Tournament Past Prizes
Lore: Gaily Forward Alchemy Boreal Emporium
Artifacts: Lefty's Legendary Longknife The Wrath of Roth Kitsune Claw of the Arrowfox Archmage's Dag'ger Devry's Pillar of Salt Duskwalker’s Saga of Kanphuzian & Enlightenment Indomitable Wand