The Wrath of Roth

From AmtWiki
Type Artifact
Use Always on while carried
Material Component A pair of green and black leather bracers
Incantation None
Effect • Bearer gains Imbue Weapon (m) 1/Refresh (self only)
• Bearer gains Harden (ex) 1/Life (self only)
Limitation • If both bracers are reduced to 0 armor-points: all active enchantments from this relic are removed from bearer.
• Can only be used by classes capable of wearing physical armor.

Trivia: This item is named in honor of the re-knightong of Sir Derek Roth.

Category: Voltron Tournament
Main Articles: Voltron Tournament Past Prizes
Lore: Gaily Forward Alchemy Boreal Emporium
Artifacts: Lefty's Legendary Longknife The Wrath of Roth Kitsune Claw of the Arrowfox Archmage's Dag'ger Devry's Pillar of Salt Duskwalker’s Saga of Kanphuzian & Enlightenment Indomitable Wand