V9: Mulch

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Revision as of 19:18, 15 December 2023 by Heron (talk | contribs)
This page is part of the Official Amtgard V9 Alpha-Playtest Rulebook.
  • The Amtwiki is the official home and primary source for Amtgard V9 Rules as of February 25, 2023.
  • These rules are currently in Open Alpha Playtest. See the Playtest Disclaimer for more details.
  • To learn more about Amtgard V9 Development, please visit Amtgard.com.
  • To view the current Amtgard V8 ruleset, please see the Amtgard V8 Rulebook.

Available to Druid
Type Verbal (Non-Offensive)
Range Self
Incantation "Mulch".
  • Can only be used within 30s of witnessing an ally bearing one of your enchantments kill an enemy within 20ft.
  • Cannot be used while there are living enemies within 10ft.
Effects Immediate Effect: Caster restores one use of Innate.
Reminder This can only be used once per triggering moment.

Extra Clarifications

Any additional clarifications about this ability will be listed below. To request a clarification, please visit the Amtgard V9 Discord server.

  • There are no additional clarifications for this ability.

  • Mulch was introduced in Amtgard V9.

Amtgard V9 Abilities
See the Master List of Abilities
Abilities and Effects
General Rules · Keywords · Master List of Abilities
Amtgard V9 Rulebook
Playtest Disclaimer · Introduction · Getting Started · Garb · Honor System · Safety · Core Combat Rules · Equipment · Classes · Abilities and Effects · Magic Items · Combat Activities · Rules Authorities
Appendix: Equipment Inspection Guide · Master List of Abilities · Glossary