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Revision as of 01:03, 4 September 2013 by Candidecoating (talk | contribs) (updated to reflect position change)

Drayden Morith Layth



Drayden started playing in 1999 in Crusader's Cove. He then joined the Synging Sands (wow that link goes to quite an incendiary entry about that park!) shortly after its' founding. In October of 2003 he went into semi-Amt retirement. In early 2007, he attempted to start a park in Auburn, Alabama the Shire of the Falling Stars, with little to no success. As of 2012 he helped re-start the slumbering New York City park of Paintedvale and when it became Empire's Grove, he ran for champion, a position he held for one year before running for Sheriff, his current position. Drayden became a Saracen initiate in 2001 and earned his full S in 2003. He is a nomad.

His character is a drow were-panther. He loves to role-play this character in full garb and prosthetics, for which he earned both an Order of the Masque and the title of Werecat Lord in 2003.

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