Ally Squirl
Woman at Arms Aili Squirl, of Trail's End, in the Kingdom of Tal Dagore

Ally first came into contact with amtgard at the Celtic Festival held in Buffalo every year in 2007. She had been somewhat involved in the SCA before this, but found costs to high to participate overly much with it, and when she discovered amtgard, she was instantly intrigued. However it would be over a year before she would actually be able to come to her first meeting at the park of Trails End, though she has been a member ever since.
Ally was dubbed the Squirrel of her park after several instances of being a battlefield distraction in her bodice, after another member had watched the movie UP and related to it of how the guys on the field were like the dogs in that movie whenever they saw a squirrel and stared, so now, that is what she is known by. It is not out of place for them to point and yell "Squirrel!" randomly when she shows up, just to be silly, and she loves the attention, as any good bard would.
Ally has always had a love for singing and performing in front of others, she is now working on more music, and plans to put together songbooks and record those songs for teaching purposes to try and pull more people into this aspect of amtgard as well.
Ally was also recently asked by The Old One to be her page, and accepted, stating that it was a great honor. She is enthusiastically becoming more active in amtgard every day, with several ideas and ways to implement them into the game later on.
Her eventual goal is to become a Master Dragon, and improve her skill with a weapon so that she might become harder to kill on the ditch field.
- Johann Von Grimmelshausen
- Squire Kessler (Inactive)
- Sir Tanath Lagoon (Flame, 2007) (Battle, 2022)
- Dame Io (Serpent, 2009)
- Sir Wilhelm (Sword, 2012)
- Page Helios Badger Heart
- Man at Arms H
- Sir Avius Gonzo (Battle, 2022)
- Squire Brodan Lagoon
- Page Alini
- Man at Arms Daggus Stoneheart Lagoon
- Woman at Arms Rose Ragna Lagoon
- Man at arms Tegan Lagoon
Offices Held
- Regent - Trails End, April 2011 - September 2011