Brenethor Greenleaf Talvane of Crimson Moon, Kingdom of the Wetlands
”Ah, crap! i wasnt ready!”
Born long ago in the time of dragons, this is one of few that can simply walk in and out of Mordor as he pleases, stating that he'll be back in a few minutes, but not returning for days on end. As a child he killed his mother with a broken lawn chair, a few days later he brutally raped and killed a full grown grizzly bear and skinned it with an improvised lightsaber built from sticks, leaves and duct tape. He also once had a brother, but killed him because he needed a clean shirt. His favorite pastimes are hunting deer with his bare hands and kicking children down long flights of stairs. Mundanely he works as a bounty hunter for the public library by day, and is a costumed crimefighter by night. His prefered Amtgard weapon set is a pair of Colt Single Action Army revolvers and an Air Force bazooka.
Affiliated Groups
Band of the Red Hand Fighting Company
Belted Family
Man-at-Arms to Squire Greasy Goldmoon
Notable Accomplishments
Will be the first Amtgarder to have an action figure made in his likeness.
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More Information
Brenethor's power level is well over 9,000.
Probably the only Wetlander not allowed within 20 feet of a Shadowkeep camp during events.
Personal Website
Company Website