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==The [[Kingdom]] of Crystal Groves==
{{Infobox Amtgard Kingdom
Centered in Hagerstown, Maryland. A [[Static Crown]] Kingdom
|name=Crystal Groves
|image=[[File: kocg.png‎|200px]]
* Grand Duchy of [[Rising Sun Station]]
* Duchy of [[Windhaven]]
* Duchy of [[Port Union]]
* Barony of [[Bandit Flats East]]
* Barony of [[Blackthorne (chapter)|Blackthorne]]
* Barony of [[Hel's Gate]]
* Shire of [[Ambient Forest]]
* Shire of [[Muninn Myst]]
* Shire of [[Terminus]]
|founded=July 22, [[2007]]
=The [[Kingdom]] of Crystal Groves=
Centered in Hagerstown, Maryland. A [[Floating Crown]] Kingdom.
Was granted Kingdom Status by the [[Circle of Monarchs]] at [[Clan]] Saturday July 22nd 2007. The first group to spring from [[Goldenvale]] to gain kingdom status.
[[File:KCGmap.jpg|500px|right|Map of the Kingdom of Crystal Groves, created by [[Bagel]]]]
They are probably the largest amtgard chapter on the east coast.
Crystal Groves holds two very successful major events each year, [[Feast of Fools]], and [[Feast of the Dead]].
[[Crystal Groves Monarchy]]
Below is a list of deinzens of [[Crystal Groves]] as complied by [[Kemoc|Kemoc Tregarth]]
[[Ace]] [[Ada]] [[Adler Burblson]]
[[Aegar the Grim]] [[Ana]] [[Andrelaine]]
[[Angela Mastersinger]] [[Angels Dewleaf]] [[Angle atte Black Starre]]
[[Ardeth]] [[Argent]] [[Aridas]]
[[Armidrake]] [[AshleyG]] [[ASMith]]
[[Asmodeus]] [[Assasseau]] [[Atsu]]
[[Aurora Nhutbeam]] [[Aurora Tarokin]] [[Avarri Tenestrial]]
[[Avery]] [[Azreal Blazenwood]] [[Baked Potato]]  [[Bagel]]
[[Bam Bam]] [[Bayne]] [[Black Jedi]]
[[Boo Kitty]] [[Bowlgod]] [[Brad the Basterd]]
[[Brezaeon]] [[Bullshivick]] [[Caddock]]
[[Cathari]] [[Ceades]] [[Celcius]]
[[Chaos Morning Walker]] [[Cira Chaosdragon]] [[Cody]]
[[Connor]] [[Cordelia]] [[Cyber Werewolf]] [[Dakota]] [[Damion Von Strict]]
[[Daniel B]] [[Darius]] [[Darkness Penitent]]
[[Dave]] [[Dayne Aragorn]] [[Dead Man Walking]]
[[Deathbone]] [[Dephen Reha]] [[Deranged]]
[[Digoothe]] [[Dolphine]] [[Donald]]
[[Donnie]] [[Dorthy G.]] [[Draco]]
[[Draconis]] [[Dragoonas]] [[Draja Garon]]
[[Durrilion]] [[Ellandra Sellers]] [[Elwing]]
[[Emaleth]] [[Ero]] [[Evil]]
[[Ezlo]] [[FalQuinn Tanon]] [[Felina]]
[[Foo]] [[Fox McCloude]] [[Gailwind Blackfoot]]
[[Garret]] [[Ghost Face]] [[Gobo]]
[[Gore]] [[Gothica]] [[Gowritch]]
[[Griff]] [[Hasana]] ]]Hathol Droug]]
[[Haze Shadowmoon]] [[Hazelnut]] [[Helmit Treemover Schmit]]
[[Herber]] [[Homer]] [[Hunter]]
[[Icess]] [[Igarra]] [[Incognito]]
[[Ivy]] [[J.P.]] [[Janos Derric]]
[[Jaxom Ironwood]] [[Jerrand]] [[Joe the Barbarian]]
[[Joel Portier]] [[Joey Keith]] [[JSmith]]
[[Jubilee Fufu]] [[Juliana Ironwood]] [[Justice Dartania]]
[[Justin Carradoc]] [[Kat Arkain]] [[Kayura Ludisfane]]
[[KDickson]] [[Keelin Rose]] [[Keltar Void Umbra]]
[[Kemoc Tregarth]] [[Kirik Dragonwolf]] [[Klaric]]
[[Koda]] [[Kohlin]] [[Kycious Ravenwolf]]
[[Laotzu]] [[Ledon]] [[Light]]
[[Lightning]] [[Lightsky]] [[Lindy]]
[[Lios]] [[Lith]] [[Little One]]
[[Lola Bloodmourn]] [[Luhacee]] [[Luna]]
[[Luna Tic]] [[Lynx Broussard]] [[Magdalena]]
[[Malcor Cydotsin Ardas]] [[Mama McGroines]] [[Mandie]]
[[Marius ap Mericles]] [[Marlene]] [[Mena Shadowmoon]]
[[Mercy Ravenwolf]] [[Meth]] [[Methuesla]]
[[Mic]] [[Michael Sellers]] [[Midnight Angel]]
[[Miles Wolvrin]] [[Miss Priss]] [[Mouse De Trap]]
[[Nadiya]] [[Neo Imperfection]] [[Nevaeh]]
[[Nicholas B]] [[Nona]] [[Nyte Shinmakage]]
[[Olan]] [[Osprey]] [[Othierwolfe]]
[[Pharoah]] [[Phase]] [[Piper Lesonette]]
[[Poison]] [[Portheus]]
[[Prodigy]] [[Psycho]] [[Pumba]]
[[Purgitori]] [[Pyrite]] [[Pystoph]]
[[Radiance]] [[Randor]] [[Rattle Cat]]
[[Rayann]] [[Relisys]] [[Rentell Ironwood]]
[[Requiem]] [[Rhamadaunt]] [[Rippley]]
[[Robert G]] [[Ronin]] [[Rose]]
[[Rune]] [[Samantha Rayne]] [[Samantha Richey]]
[[Sara Williams]] [[Sathallarin]] [[Sephireth]]
[[Shadow Nailjaix]] [[Sheelin Rue]] [[Shellie]]
[[Shikumi Iie]] [[Shiva of CG]] [[Shyann]]
[[Silenes Nox]] [[Sir Roland the Gray]] [[Skoby]]
[[Skye Dancer Storm]] [[Smith W.]] [[Sneak]]
[[Solay]] [[Stardust]] [[Strife]]
[[Takira]] [[Taroon]] [[Tatyana Ironwood]]
[[Teddy]] [[Telyus]] [[Tempest Blackthorn]]
[[Thala]] [[Togashi Shinkyo]] [[Tosc]]
[[Travis]] [[Troll Doll]] [[Vala]]
[[Valnor]] [[Valur]] [[Varg]]
[[Vasa Wolfrider]] [[Veowyn Elynstar]] [[Vermithrax]]
[[Vexxas Tarokin]] [[Viek]] [[Waldo]]
[[Wave Dumah]] [[Willow Greenleaf]] [[WProud]]
[[Wyvern Lucidfar]] [[Xannon]] [[Xavier Van Cross]]
[[Xolan Ludisfane]] [[Yageri Dragonbane]] [[Yar/ Jim lord]]
[[Zell]] [[Zoltan]] [[Zone]]
here is [[http://www.vidiac.com/video/569c0d20-1dd7-4adc-a68f-989400c26fb5.htm|a video]] of photos from Crystal groves put together by [[House Ironwood]]
Was granted Kingdom Status by the [[Circle of Monarchs]] at [[Clan]] XXV Saturday July 22nd 2007.
===Shedual of events and Contacts===
Unless stated otherwise, all park gatherings listed are 1 PM - 5 PM. CG meets weekly in the Hagerstown City Park at the Ball Diamond on the West Side of the Park. CG does not normally cancel due to weather. However, in the case of severe weather or unforeseen circumstances,
this schedule may be subject to change.
Information other than scheduling, go to the website at
Crystal Groves holds two very successful major events each year, [[Feast of Fools]] and [[Feast of Fools|Feast of the Dead]].
Kingdom voted on November 29th, 2009 to begin transitioning into a Floating Crown. The first office to become a floating position was Prime Minister and took place April 4th, 2010.
A comprehensive calendar for 2007 is at the bottom of this post.
It includes MANY Amtgard events in general, including Crystal Groves'.
If you don't see your group's events listed here and
would like it added to the Event(s) calendar,
please contact [email protected] with the details.
Thank You.
Kingdom voted on December 27th, 2009 to allow all full members in all sponsored lands to run for Kingdom level positions.
*July 8- (Sunday) CG Park
===[[:category:Crystal Groves People|The People of Crystal Groves]]===
**1:00 - Company Battle (Militia) - See Separate Post
** 2:00 - Coronation Picnic - (at the Pavilion) Crystal Groves will be providing Hot Dogs & Hamburgers on the Grill and refreshing Watermelon for a good old-fashioned Picnic in the Park. This meal is FREE. Our Cook's Guild, the Flaming Dragons, will be making the dessert cakes. We ask any who are able, please bring a covered dish to help feed the masses. It is most appreciated.
* '''Monarch:''' [[Hida Bakemono]]
** 3:00 - CG Court & Coronation - Awards will be presented, followed by the passing of the symbols of Monarchy (the Keys, Favor & Dagger)
* '''Regent:''' Countess [[Iona]]
** 5:00 - CG BOD Meeting - (Brief Meeting at the Park)
* '''Champion:''' Lord [[Fenroc]]
* '''Prime Minister:''' [[Basil Red Deer]]
* '''Guild Master of Reeves:''' [[Lord Ken of Shine]]
* '''Senator:''' Lord [[Arrakis]]
''See [[Crystal Groves Monarchy]] for a listing of previous officers for the Kingdom.''
*July 15- (Sunday) CG Park
''See [[:Category:Crystal Groves Knights|Crystal Groves Knights]] for the Knights of the Kingdom.''
** 1:00 - Battlegames
** 6:00 - FOD Committee Meeting - (Gowritch's House) - Any and all who are interested in being a part of the FOD07 Committee are welcomed to attend.
        Directions to Gowritch's House
===[[:Category:Crystal Groves Places|Crystal Groves Lands]]===
        Turn Right when exiting the park.
        At the first light, turn Left onto Howard St.
        Make the very next Right onto Pine St.
        Continue till you get to an Underpass/Bridge.
        His house is the white one on the right just before the underpass.
[[Ambient Forest]] Mayersdale, PA
*July 18-22 - (Wednesday - Sunday) Gathering of the Clans XXV // Burning Lands // Bonito Lake, NM
[[Angler's Rift]] Catonsville, MD
*July 22- (Sunday) CG Park
** 1:00 - Battlegames
** 6:00 - FOD Committee Meeting - (Gowritch's House)
[[Bandit Flats East]] Camden, DE
*July 28- (Saturday) 11AM - 10 PM  // House of Pharoh Games Day / Watchtower Comics / Hagerstown, MD
[[Blackthorne (chapter)|Blackthorne]] Lancaster, PA
    This is a gaming event run by the House of Pharaoh (an Amtgard Household). Members of Amtgard will be given a 15% discount on all items purchased that day as well as have an opportunity to participate in all sorts of games (Heroclix, D & D, Dragon Dice, 3 Magic the Gathering Tournies, Zombies, Pirates, Racer Knights, RP Games, Pick-Up Games are welcome, too!)  See Separate Post 
[[Eastern Pine Camp]] Princeton, NJ
[[Hel's Gate]] Hampton, VA
*July 29- (Sunday) CG Park 
[[Muninn Myst]] Falmouth, VA
** 1:00 - Battlegames
** 6:00 - FOD Committee Meeting - (Gowritch's House)
*Aug. 5 // CGBOD Meeting
*Aug. 11 // CG Car Wash for Charity // Hagerstown, MD (Rain Dt. 8-18)
*Aug. 30-Sept. 2 // Harvest War XII // Dragonspine // Albuquerque, NM
*Aug. 31-Sept. 1 // Battle Cry IV // Ohio Amtgard // Bellefontaine, OH
*Sept. 9 // CGBOD Meeting
*Sept. 14-16 // FEAST OF THE DEAD // CG Midreign // Huyett. MD
*Sept. 23 // CG Declarations for PM Due
*Sept. 30 // GMR Holds Elections for PM
*Oct. 5-7 // Gauntlet '07 // Sea of Rhye // Smithfield, VA
*Oct. 7 // CGBOD Meeting
*Oct. 27 // Halloween Parade
*Oct. 28 // Amt-Kids Halloween Party
*Nov. 4 // CGBOD Meeting
*Nov. 18 // Toys for Tots Tournament
*Nov. 25 // CG Crown Quals - Declarations, Dues, 1st Reeves Test
*Dec. 2 // CG Crown Quals - A&S, 2nd Reeves Test
*Dec. 2 // CGBOD Meeting
*Dec. 9 // CG Crown Quals - Tournament, 3rd Reeves Test
*Dec. 16 // CG Crown Quals - Q&A, Vote
=====2008 CALENDAR=====
[[Port Union]] Chesapeake, VA
*Jan. 6 // CG Coronation (Location TBD)
*April 25-27 // FEAST OF FOOLS // CG Midreign // Huyett. MD
*Sept. 19-21 // FEAST OF THE DEAD // CG Midreign // Huyett. MD
Questions About Battlegames, Rules or Weapons?
[[Rising Sun Station]] Alexandria, VA
Contact MaA Nyte Shinmakage, Champion
Questions About Scheduled Events, RP or A&S?
[[Terminus]] Salisbury, MD
Contact Lady Squire Angela Mastersinger, Regent
Questions About Points, Waivers or Records?
[[Windhaven]] Winchester, VA
Contact MaA Rentell Ironwood, PM
Questions About Legals, Issues or Anything Else?
Contact Squire Gowritch, Duke
A brief overview of Kingdom Events <br>
If there are any additions, deletions or corrections needed to this schedule,
*Winter [[Feast of Yule]]<br>
please contact Lady Angela at [email protected]
*Spring [[Feast of Fools]] (FoF)<br>
*Summer [[Kingdom Summer Midreign]] (KSM)<br>
*Fall [[Feast of the Dead]] (FoD)<br>
Thank you.
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/Kingdom.of.Crystal.Groves/557967624306198/ {{Facebook Groups Page}}]
*[https://discord.com/invite/nT57HnYQcs {{Discord}}]
*[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cxKH2FddHSvKYtIftS3meieKycP1ciuV&usp=sharing {{G Maps}}]
[http://www.amtgardrecords.com/chapter.php?chapterID=140 ORK]
[[Category: Goldenvale Parks]][[Category: Maryland]]
{{Crystal Groves}}
[[category: Active Amtgard Kingdoms]]
[[Category: Active Maryland Chapters]]
[[Category: Active Virginia Chapters]]
[[Category: Previous Goldenvale Places]]
[[Category: Contracted Chapters]]
[[Category: Active Amtgard Chapters]]
[[Category: Active Crystal Groves Places]]
[[Category: Founded in 2007]]
[[Category: Audited for 2009]]
[[Category: Audited for 2015]]

Latest revision as of 02:59, 4 February 2025

Crystal Groves
Region Covered
Founded July 22, 2007
Principal Parks:

The Kingdom of Crystal Groves

Centered in Hagerstown, Maryland. A Floating Crown Kingdom.


Map of the Kingdom of Crystal Groves, created by Bagel

Was granted Kingdom Status by the Circle of Monarchs at Clan XXV Saturday July 22nd 2007.

Crystal Groves holds two very successful major events each year, Feast of Fools and Feast of the Dead.

Kingdom voted on November 29th, 2009 to begin transitioning into a Floating Crown. The first office to become a floating position was Prime Minister and took place April 4th, 2010.

Kingdom voted on December 27th, 2009 to allow all full members in all sponsored lands to run for Kingdom level positions.

The People of Crystal Groves


See Crystal Groves Monarchy for a listing of previous officers for the Kingdom.

See Crystal Groves Knights for the Knights of the Kingdom.

Crystal Groves Lands

Ambient Forest Mayersdale, PA

Angler's Rift Catonsville, MD

Bandit Flats East Camden, DE

Blackthorne Lancaster, PA

Eastern Pine Camp Princeton, NJ

Hel's Gate Hampton, VA

Muninn Myst Falmouth, VA

Port Union Chesapeake, VA

Rising Sun Station Alexandria, VA

Terminus Salisbury, MD

Windhaven Winchester, VA


A brief overview of Kingdom Events


  • Facebook logo.jpg
  • Discord-logo-blue.png
  • Kingdom.jpg
  • Google maps.png

Amtgard Chapters within the Kingdom of Crystal Groves
Sponsored Chapters: Ambient Forest · Angler's Rift · Bandit Flats East · Blackthorne · Eastern Pine Camp · Edgewater Keep · Leviathan Keep · Muninn Myst · Phoenix Hollow · Port Union · Rising Sun Station · Terminus · Windhaven
Kingdoms and Principalities of Amtgard
Kingdoms: 13 Roads · Blackspire · Burning Lands · Celestial Kingdom · Crystal Groves · Desert Winds · Dragonspine · Emerald Hills · Golden Plains · Goldenvale · Iron Mountains · Neverwinter · Nine Blades · Northern Lights · Northreach · Polaris · Rising Winds · Rivermoor · Tal Dagore · Viridian Outlands · Westmarch · Wetlands · Winter's Edge