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==Reeves are tiny gods!==
A '''Reeve''' is a person designated to act as a referee in some capacity at an Amtgard event.
''a safety [[Officer]]''
A Reeve is like an referee in Amtgard. It comes from Old English, the word "Sheriff" actually came from "Shire Reeve". It was an official, judge, etc.
{{rule|<onlyinclude>'''Reeves:''' In order to ensure that the Park is following the rules, and that the game is being run fairly for all participants, members of the park may also choose to become members of the Reeves Guild and take credit in the Reeve [[class]]. Reeves are the judges or referees of the game and will wear or carry a unique
identifier to reflect this status. This identifier will be either a [[Sash|black and white sash]], in either checkerboard or stripes, a tunic or tabard of alternating stripes of contrasting high-visibility colors (black and white, neon green and purple, etc.), or a “Reeve’s Staff” (a padded staff at least 5’ long with padded ends at least 2” in diameter and covered in alternating stripes or spiraling contrasting high-visibility colors as above). The identifier will be communicated to players before the start of a game. Reeves should have in-depth knowledge of the rules, and are tested by the current [[Guildmaster of Reeves]] to become members of the guild. When a reeve is in charge of a [[battlegame]], their word is final on disputes involving game play. If a player wishes to dispute a reeve’s decision, they may do so after the game with the reeve in question or with the Guildmaster of Reeves. However, while the game is occurring, the decision may not be disputed. Arguing with a reeve on the field may result in being penalized or even ejected from the game. Consistent arguing may result in being removed from play for an extended period.</onlyinclude>|{{CurrentRulebookNumber}}}}
{{Amtgard Organization}}
Reeves are charged with running [[Battlegame|battlegames]], wars, tourneys and making sure that everyone follows the rules, solving disputes, and advising the players on the rules.  They are governed by a [[Guildmaster of Reeves]], who is elected from their number.  Reeves must pass a Reeve's Test to qualify as a reeve, generally every six months to maintain standing.  This may vary from kingdom to kingdom.
===Corpora example===
It should be noted that a good battlegame reeve is not necessarily a good tourney reeve, and visa versa. The former requires primary knowledge of the rulebook and the ability to keep a game flowing and balanced. The latter needs a good eye. They both need the ability to make a tough call when needed.
'''2.2 Reeves Guild:'''
*2.21 Members are those who have passed the Reeves test within the last six months with a score of 75% or better.
*2.22 Though under the jurisdiction of the Monarch and the Guildmaster of Reeves, the Reeves have the following powers over the battlegames:
**2.221 May add newcomers and adjust the teams to balance a game.  
**2.222 May call whether a hit on a person is valid or not.
**2.223 May take unsafe people or equipment off the battlefield.
**2.224 May take time off a person's death if he/she died especially well.
**2.225 May declare a person dead if he/she persistently causes problems.  
**2.226 May declare the end to a game if play is stagnating.
**2.227 May appropriate additional reeves if they are needed.  
*2.23 Reeves are responsible for the following:
**2.231 Must ensure that the games are safe to participants and bystanders.
**2.232 Shall retrieve expended and discarded equipment.
**2.233 Shall help the participants in their understanding of the games.
**2.234 Shall ensure that the quality of play is honest and in keeping with the spirit of the rules and corpora.
Reeves are designated by wearing a gold tunic or [[Sash|sash]]. They may never be attacked in any battlegame scenario. The reeve's word is final, if you disagree take it up with them later or the Guildmaster.
===Reeving Made Easy===
{{:Reeving Made Easy}}
*[http://www.electricsamurai.com/main_page.pl?action=view_article&file=20021210115826-Guests.txt&dir=General The Art of Reeving ] by [[Glen]]
*[http://www.electricsamurai.com/main_page.pl?action=view_article&file=20060124000000-Guests.txt&dir=General The Reeve Guildmaster's Art: Making Good Tests]

Latest revision as of 04:50, 25 February 2025

A Reeve is a person designated to act as a referee in some capacity at an Amtgard event.


Reeves: In order to ensure that the Park is following the rules, and that the game is being run fairly for all participants, members of the park may also choose to become members of the Reeves Guild and take credit in the Reeve class. Reeves are the judges or referees of the game and will wear or carry a unique identifier to reflect this status. This identifier will be either a black and white sash, in either checkerboard or stripes, a tunic or tabard of alternating stripes of contrasting high-visibility colors (black and white, neon green and purple, etc.), or a “Reeve’s Staff” (a padded staff at least 5’ long with padded ends at least 2” in diameter and covered in alternating stripes or spiraling contrasting high-visibility colors as above). The identifier will be communicated to players before the start of a game. Reeves should have in-depth knowledge of the rules, and are tested by the current Guildmaster of Reeves to become members of the guild. When a reeve is in charge of a battlegame, their word is final on disputes involving game play. If a player wishes to dispute a reeve’s decision, they may do so after the game with the reeve in question or with the Guildmaster of Reeves. However, while the game is occurring, the decision may not be disputed. Arguing with a reeve on the field may result in being penalized or even ejected from the game. Consistent arguing may result in being removed from play for an extended period.
Amtgard Organization
Circle of Monarchs · Kingdoms · Parks · Reeves · Companies and Households · Awards and Symbols · Code of Conduct · Age of Combatants
V8 Rulebook
Introduction · V8 Made Easy · Organization · Role-playing · Combat Rules · Armor · Weapons · Weapon Types, Shields, and Equipment · Equipment Checking · Magic Items · Battlegames · Classes · Magic, Abilities, States and Special Effects · Magic and Abilities · Rules Revision Process · Common Misconceptions · Award Standards · Kingdom Boundaries & Park Sponsorship · Annexure

Corpora example

2.2 Reeves Guild:

  • 2.21 Members are those who have passed the Reeves test within the last six months with a score of 75% or better.
  • 2.22 Though under the jurisdiction of the Monarch and the Guildmaster of Reeves, the Reeves have the following powers over the battlegames:
    • 2.221 May add newcomers and adjust the teams to balance a game.
    • 2.222 May call whether a hit on a person is valid or not.
    • 2.223 May take unsafe people or equipment off the battlefield.
    • 2.224 May take time off a person's death if he/she died especially well.
    • 2.225 May declare a person dead if he/she persistently causes problems.
    • 2.226 May declare the end to a game if play is stagnating.
    • 2.227 May appropriate additional reeves if they are needed.
  • 2.23 Reeves are responsible for the following:
    • 2.231 Must ensure that the games are safe to participants and bystanders.
    • 2.232 Shall retrieve expended and discarded equipment.
    • 2.233 Shall help the participants in their understanding of the games.
    • 2.234 Shall ensure that the quality of play is honest and in keeping with the spirit of the rules and corpora.

Reeving Made Easy

Reeves are an extremely important part of the Amtgard experience, as they are the individuals who are charged with attempting to ensure the safety and enjoyment of the game participants. Here are some helpful suggestions to being an effective reeve.

  1. As the reeve, your decision is final. If a snap decision is required, make the call that you believe is correct, and consult the rulebook after the fact to confirm the decision. If your call was incorrect, make sure to note that for the future.
  2. Your responsibility as a reeve is to facilitate the safety and enjoyment of the game participants. This may require you to make calls that are unpopular with some individuals in order to allow the game to proceed smoothly. You should attempt to remain fair and impartial in all of your calls, and apply the rules objectively.
    • a Sometimes the rules don't perfectly accommodate all conditions, and when that happens reeves are encouraged to use discretion locally to adjust the rules as needed for the enjoyment of everyone. For example, allowing a player with no hands at all to cast magic, or giving grace to a player with a speech impediment or stutter when considering if their incantation is interrupted.
  3. It is important to adhere to the spirit of the rules in addition to the letter of the rules. It is impossible in a game as varied as Amtgard for the rulebook to cover all contingencies. If you encounter a situation where a player’s actions negatively impact safety, playability, or the enjoyment of the participants, you are justified in disallowing that action. Here are a couple of examples of situations where it is reasonable for a reeve to intervene:
    • a. A player using a weapon in a manner that provides them with an advantage that their class would not normally receive (e.g.Monks with unusually large weapons for blocking, or a Wizard claiming that a Large Shield is allowable because it is actually a Magic Staff).
    • b. A player wielding otherwise legal equipment in an unsafe manner.
    • c. A player knowingly attacking someone whom they are unable to affect (e.g. Insubstantial or frozen players).
    • d. Any situation where the player’s justification is “But the rules don’t say I can’t...”
  4. Making required declarations and explaining what abilities do to other players should not interrupt existing incantations or ongoing chants. The point of declaring enchantments is to keep the game flowing smoothly for all involved. A player is not punished for pausing an incantation to aid in the flow of gameplay. If a Bard, for example, paused their Chant to explain to a new player what the Chant represents, they may resume the chant when they are finished. A player may also communicate what states are affecting them at any time. When in doubt, give leeway to players who go out of their way to help other players during a game.
