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Latest revision as of 20:38, 11 July 2018

Sometimes, Dwarves come across a cavern full of Undead. Whether the forgotten remnants of a Necromancer's horde or a long-forgotten, zombie-riddled catacomb, the stinking creatures must be put down!

Teams: 2. One team plays class, the other is composed of any number of Undead, balanced accordingly.

Lives: 5 per player

Respawn: Whenever 3 friendly players are at a base.

Base: Each team gets a base at opposite sides of the field.

Players: 3+

Refresh: Not Applicable

Objective: Defeat the enemies.

Scenario Rules: Include a large number of (large) Zones of Stench per the Dor un Avathar. As Undead are Immune to Death, they will likewise be immune to the stench.

Optional Rules: Add another team. Two warring clans accidentally open a cursed, ancient crypt. Who will survive, and what will be left of them?

Types Best Supported: Class