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Baronet Uranaga of Crimson Sanctum, Westmarch, Dragonspine

”It's kind of annoying, any type of reorganization and effort I [had] put into being Chancellor is just DWARFED by the amount of work he does.” -Staccatto Toccata about Uranaga

Uranaga Spar.jpg

Uranaga, sparring with fellow Eldritch Hills members in August 2009.


Uranaga appeared quite suddenly on Amtgard's doorstep in July of 2008, materializing at a Saturday session of the shire of Crimson Sanctum. Most people are still unsure as to how he got there. For that first month, his commitment and attendance were spotty.

In August 2008, all of that changed. Inspired by his first major Amtgard event (Northern Invasion), Uranaga become a regular attendee at the Sanctum. Very quickly, his enthusism led to time in office. In September 2008, he was elected Chancellor. In December 2008, he was re-elected Chancellor. In March 2009, he was elected Monarch. These months saw a period of rapid growth in resources and reputation for the young group, culminating in the group's May application for Barony status.

That supposedly happy event, however, revealed a deep division between his goals and the goals of several core members of the group. Due to this, Uranaga began channeling his excess time in a different direction: he began working on Principality-level projects such as a Westmarch publicity initiative, Southern Rebellion, and a Westmarch fundraiser; he began taking the fighting aspect of the game seriously; and he began planning to launch a new chapter.

In August 2009, Uranaga and his co-founder Morrza announced the new chapter of Eldritch Hills at Southern Rebellion. He was also the recipient of a Baronet title for his work for both Crimson Sanctum and the Principality.

Going forward, he has high hopes for the future of Amtgard in Los Angeles.

Affiliated Groups

Kind Quotes

Has brought the Sanctum out of a bureacratic nightmare and has most certainly shown his quality, the very finest. --Alkaris Ravenor

Notable Accomplishments

Likes to make weapons. His first weapons, in August 2008, were a pair of daisho (a paired Japanese short and long sword set; see below right) that were notable in two, completely opposite, regards:

Uranaga’s first set of swords.
Uranaga’s third and current set of swords.
  • They earned him two Orders of the Owl, the second for use of curved blade technology
  • Every player who saw the curved ends for the first time promptly called for a weapons tip check





His third weapons were a full set of six samurai swords crafted for the March 2009 cultural qualifications (see left). While they looked great, they taught him one key lesson above all else: carbon cores suck.

He is currently working on his next set, which he hopes to have complete by Feast of Mars in September 2009.

Has had some limited fighting success. In October 2008, he scored third place at Siar Geata's first annual archery tournament. In March 2009, he scored first place in the single sword event at Crimson Sanctum's fighting qualifications.

He likes to run events, with three credits to his name so far (and several pending):

  • Crimson Sanctum Holiday Auction (December 2008, autocrat, raised almost $1100)
  • Westmarch Infernal Invasion quest (March 2009, site selection and meal coordination for final leg)
  • Westmarch Southern Rebellion (August 2009, autocrat and five or six cratships too)
  • Name TBD (November 2009, co-autocrat)

Additional Images

Uranaga FoM4.JPG

Uranaga, dressed in his first garb, at Feast of Mars IV in September 2008.

Uranaga IICQ.jpg

Uranaga, sporting better garb, at the Infernal Invasion campout quest in March 2009.

More Information

Uncanny doppleganger of Pegasus Valley's Nagateth.