From AmtWiki
Sir Tuagh McTimothy, of Crimson Plains Knight of the Serpent, Rivermoor
”~~Started 50 projects... barely finished 5.~~”
Tuagh's been around awhile; you may remember him from atl-atl based shenanigans back in the early V7 days (lord knows I do), but he's recently emerged as an A&S powerhouse and technomancer supreme. When he's not revolutionizing the world with gnome-powered, glowing, color changing towers or something WITH SOUND, he's coming up with the next big idea to blow you away. Also known by his alias; Tall Gnomesky.
Interestingly enough, related to Boy Tal.
Affiliated Groups
Belted Family
Tuagh is belted under the lovely Dame Fionna
Notable Accomplishments
- Rivermoor Dragonmaster, Reign 8, Winter 2019
- Rivermoor Dragonmaster, Reign 7, Summer 2018
- Rivermoor Dragonmaster, Reign 6, Winter 2018
- Rivermoor Dragonmaster Runner up by a narrow margin, Reign 5, Summer, 2017
- Declared Sapphire Artisan of the Imperium by Primarch Kite, 2018.
- Master Owl, 2019
- Knight of the Serpent, October 2019
Class of #20knighteen
Additional Images
- Link to image 1
- Link to image 2