Thrown weapons
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From the V8 Rulebook
Light Thrown
These weapons represent throwing daggers and the like.
- Between 2.5” and 6” in total length.
- All parts must be Strike-Legal.
- These weapons are exempt from a minimum foam depth for Strike-Legal.
- May be covered in non-abrasive cloth tape instead of cloth.
- Duct tape may not be used as a cover.
- Will score a hit from any portion of the weapon.
- May not be of a color and shape which may reasonably be confused with a Magic Ball.
Heavy Thrown
These weapons represent throwing axes and the like.
- Between 9” and 18” in total length.
- All parts must be Strike-Legal.
- These weapons are exempt from a minimum foam depth for Strike-Legal.
- May be covered in non-abrasive cloth tape instead of cloth.
- Duct tape may not be used as a cover.
- Will score a hit from any portion of the weapon.
- Must be at least 10” in each dimension.
- All parts must be Strike-Legal.
- These weapons are exempt from a minimum foam depth for Strike-Legal.
- May be covered in non-abrasive cloth tape instead of cloth.
- Ducttape may not be used as a cover.
- Will score a hit from any portion of the weapon.
- Hits from Rocks are Armor Breaking and Shield Crushing.
- Items that meet the criteria to be classified as a Rock may not also be classified as Heavy Thrown.
Javelins are a hybrid throwing/melee weapon. They are considered a melee weapon when wielded, but are considered a projectile otherwise. Javelins are only available to those classes explicitly granted Javelins.
- Between 36” and 72” long.
- Must have between 6” and 12” of Strike-Legal.
- Must be padded along their entire length.
- May be thrown and used in melee (including blocking and parrying).
- Stab only for both melee and throwing.
- Hits from Javelins when thrown are Armor Breaking and Shield Crushing.
- Must strike point-first to score a hit.
- Must have a rigid core.
- Pommel is not required to meet the requirements for a stabbing tip.
- May be Double-Ended.
Magic Balls
These projectiles are thrown to represent various magical attacks and are not considered weapons. They represent magical energy, motes of elemental force, alchemical mixtures, and the like. These are thrown to represent various magical attacks and are not projectile weapons but follow the same construction requirements except as noted below.
- Must be a spherical object at least 2.5” in diameter.
- Must have a streamer between 1” and 6” long.
- All parts must be Strike-Legal.
- These projectiles are exempt from a minimum foam depth for Strike-Legal.
- May be covered in non-abrasive cloth tape instead of cloth.
- Duct tape may not be used as a cover.
- Will score a hit from any portion of the object.Magic Balls which are thrown and strike a player or object can have various effects.
Unless otherwise noted:
- Players may only bring a number of Magic Balls on to the battlefield equal to the maximum uses allowed to them. Likewise, players may also only carry up to that amount at any given time.
- Owners of Magic Balls may grant other players permission to carry their Magic Balls in order to return them to the owner or to the owner’s base. They may also grant other players permission to use their Magic Balls if the other person has the ability to do so.
- A Magic Ball must be held in the caster's hand by the end of the Incantation.
- Once a Magic Ball’s Incantation has been said, it is considered active until it hits a Player, Wielded Equipment, or Terrain. It will also become inactive if the caster begins an incantation or the material component stops being held in hand and has not been thrown. The caster can transfer an active Magic Ball from one hand to the other without it becoming inactive and can wield a weapon or shield in a hand that is also holding an active Magic Ball.
- A player may only have one Magic Ball active at a time.
- Magic Balls of the Subdual School have no effect on equipment that is not being carried.
- Example: You may not Iceball a player’s shield if it is not being wielded or carried by them.
- Magic Balls discharge and attempt to affect the first Player, Wielded Equipment, or Terrain they hit; Magic Balls are not engulfing unless noted.
- Barring any Enchantments or magical effects, garb strikes count as hitting the player if the Magic Ball would have continued on to hit the player.
- Example: You may not block Lightning Bolts with your cloak.
- Magic Balls do not damage armor unless otherwise noted.
- Magic Balls are not stopped by Protection from Projectiles and other similar magic and abilities.
See Also: