Indomitable Wand

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formerly known as the Mortis Wand

Type Artifact
Use Always on while carried
Material Component An ornate wand measuring at least 9" and decorated with the colors green, red, black, blue, and white.
Incantation None
Effect May be used by any Magic User at no cost to spell points. Grants a single additional spell point at the users highest level. Magic points gained are not removed regardless of what happens to the wand. Does not count as an Enchantment.

If the player is holding this wand in their hand (and nothing else in that hand): that hand counts as being open for the purposes of casting.

Limitation May only be used by Magic Users.

Trivia: This item is named for Sir Torg the Indomitable, a legendary sorcerer who was Blackspire's first Knight of Battle.

Category: Voltron Tournament
Main Articles: Voltron Tournament Past Prizes
Lore: Gaily Forward Alchemy Boreal Emporium
Artifacts: Lefty's Legendary Longknife The Wrath of Roth Kitsune Claw of the Arrowfox Archmage's Dag'ger Devry's Pillar of Salt Duskwalker’s Saga of Kanphuzian & Enlightenment Indomitable Wand