Ichabod's Bridge
Two enemy teams seek to destroy the opposition - sadly, there is no way to reach the blighters except for one lonely bridge between territories. Sadder still? This is no ordinary bridge - but the hunting grounds of a Headless Horseman.
Teams: 2 Teams, plus a Headless Horseman
Lives: 10 per Player (Teams), Unlimited (Horseman)
Respawn: 60 seconds from death (Teams), 120 seconds from death for Horseman.
Base: Teams each have a base equidistant from the Bridge, the Horseman spawns at either end of the Bridge.
Players: 10+
Refresh: Not Applicable
Objective: Life count game. Get past the Horseman to get to your enemy! The first team out of lives loses.
Scenario Rules: Any player stepping off the bridge loses a life. The Horseman never chooses sides, nor should enemies team up against the Horseman.
Optional Rules: None
Types Best Supported: Class