From AmtWiki
Viscountess Squire Gabriella, of Querna Tema, Rivermoor, now of Obsidian Gate, Dragonspine
Affiliated Groups
- Free Companies (Oathbrother)
- Free Range Butterfly (Momma)
- Member of the Midwest Trading Company
Belted Family
- Sir Khanar
- Squire Octavia
- SquireGenghis
- MaA Zhao Squall
- Squire Gabriella
- MaA Tselina McConnahay
- Page Marguerite
- Page Ivy of qt
- MaA Tselina McConnahay
- Sir Argile
- Squire Bjorn Fellhand
- MaA Helen
- MaA Roken Clydeson
- MaA Salana Vennour
- MaA Edgar of IT
- MaA Eonte
- MaA Owen MacGregor
- MaA Morton
- Page Mikro
- MaA Wolfstar
- MaA Tankhide
- Squire Bjorn Fellhand
- Sir Argile
Notable Accomplishments
- Received the title of Lady from Duke Khanar, QT, May 2006
- Received the title of Baronet from Duke Oderic, QT, Nov 2007
- Received the title of Viscountess from Princess Jocelyn, Nov 2009
- Querna Tema Dragonmaster Feb 08
- Rivermoor Dragonmaster Aug 09
- Served as Regent of Querna Tema three times