Zombie Scenario

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Can you hold off the zombie horde?

Teams: 2.
Lives: Players have a set life pool that runs out individually. Zombie Lord has twice the normal life pool. Once out of lives, players must wait for the next game.
Respawn: 50 Second count at base
Players: 1 player starts as the Zombie Lord, with 2 other Zombies on his team. All other players start on the opposing team.
Objective: Kill The Zombie Lord and his minions before they are the only ones left. If at any time there are no members of a team on the field or waiting to respawn, the other team wins.
Scenario Rules:
Conversion: when the Zombie Lord kills a player, they immediately become a Zombie (but are still dead), and join the Zombie Lord’s team for the rest of the game.
Zombie Lord gains:
Reanimate (Unlimited):
I: “Rise and Fight Again” x5
R: Touch
E: Player Returns to life with all wounds healed
L: Only usable on Zombies.”
Options: Players only become a zombie for one life. Zombies can be cured, allowing them to change teams.
Refresh: None
Types Best Supported: Full Class.