Veneficus Tenebrus

From AmtWiki

Sheriff Veneficus Tenebrus, of The Shire of Centerpoint, Freehold of Amtgard





Veneficus Tenebrus, or simply Ten for short is the founder and first Sheriff of Centerpoint, Amtgard's First(that we know of with a contract) chapter in the state of Kansas. He currently seeks help from all interested parties in getting his shire off the ground. He began playing Amtgard in May 2006 when a friend uncovered an old-tech beatstick among his things whilst moving.

Currently taking a step back from Amtgard(read - only plays 3 out of 4 weeks) to plan his upcoming wedding. He is also The current Shire Regent.

Tenebrus is short. Very Short. So short that many people in his shire have taken to using such names for him as "Little Napoleon" and "Mighty Midget." Despite the nicknames, Ten considers himself "merely vertically challenged"

Affiliated Groups

The Shire of Centerpoint
The Three Man Alliance

Notable Accomplishments

Founder of the First Amtgard Shire in Kansas. Which, oddly, is actually rather close to Texas. What gives?