Thalion Othar

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Master, Thalion Othar, of The Dragon's Tale Kingdom of The Rising Winds

Thalion Othar
Thalion posing
Chapter The Dragon's Tale
Kingdom The Rising Winds
Started 2009
Noble Title Master
Belted Under N/A
Contact Information
E-Mail [email protected]
Phone 618-554-5427

"One Shot Wonder - Not any more!"


Started the game at the March event in 2009 Introduced to the game by Aries Darkthame

Affiliated Groups

 Rank of Steel - September 2009.
 Promoted to Blade - June of 2010.
 Promoted to Dagger - 26 March 2011 also became Striker 
                      of the company the same event.
 Promoted to Blacksmith - 9 June 2012 (Company Leader).

Belted Family

None yet

Notable Accomplishments

Titles: Master - Given by Squire Andre Merick, July 2011

Positions Held:

Regent: March 2012 - September 2012

       September 2011 - March 2012
       September 2010 - March 2011



     #1 Given by Lady Joslynn Vahe, June 2010
     #2 Given by Baron True Chaos, April 2012
     #3 Given by Baron True Chaos, April 2012
     #4 Given by Baron True Chaos, April 2012
     #5 Given by Varas - Regent RW, June 2012
     #6 Given by Varas - Regent RW, September 2012
     #7 Given by Varas - Regent RW, September 2012


     #1 Given by Baron True Chaos, April 2012


     #1 Given by Baroness Lady Lilianna Serras, June 2009
     #2 Given by Lady Joslynn Vahe, June 2010


     #1 Given by Obie, Regent RW, September 2010 
     #2 Given by Sir Heydeez - Regent RW, April 2012


     #1 Given by Lady Joslynn Vahe, June 2010
     #2 Given by Squire Andre Merick, July 2011
     #3 Given by Squire Andre Merick, July 2011
     #4 Given by Jinx - Queen RW, March 2012


     Given by Baroness Lady Lilianna Serras, June 2009

Additional Images

  • 2hx6kgh.jpg
  • 1z1a1vm.jpg

More Information

  • AMTGARD O.R.K. Listing