Sea of Rhye

From AmtWiki

Smithfield, Va subgroup of the Kingdom of Goldenvale





Here are some [pics] from the Sea of Rhye

Armand Montag Creton Modin Cason Avendark

Contacts and Directions

We meet every sat. from 1pm to dark. The address is Carrollton Nike Park 13036 Nike Park Rd, Carrollton, VA.

Amtgard Atlas:

The Sea of Rhye meets at Nike Park in Carrollton/Smithfield, VA from 1 pm to dusk on Saturdays, with occasional fighter practice on Sundays. All are welcome to come and visit or participate.

On Columbus Day weekend every October, we host Gauntlet in Hampton, VA. Fee TBA for the weekend, covering the entire event to include feast. For more information, please contact one of the above officers.

For information on other chapters in amtgard look AmtgardPlaces here