Reanimate (V7)

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Reanimate (E, Spirit)


Enchantment cloth


Repeat X10 "Rise and fight again," tie cloth on player


Player temporarily comes back from the dead to loyally serve the caster. This enchantment lasts for a 200 count or until the player's death count is finished. When the time has elapsed the player is once again dead and may return to life when his normal death count expiring ended the Reanimate. Any player having Reanimate cast on them is affected as per Sever Spirit.


Dispel will kill. Wounds (other than the one which killed) and damage to armor remain, but may be Healed or Mended as normal. Reanimated players may not use magic or per life/game abilites though any that were already in effect (i.e. a warrior who had already Improved their shield would retain his Improved Shield).


As Reanimate is an enchantment, person does not retain enchantments carried before death unless they are able to bear two enchantments (e.g., 6th level scouts and wizard Stack). Even if this is the case, if they were bearing two enchantments only one may be retained.

Who gets it?

A 5th level Wizard spell and 6th level Anti-Paladin innate ability.

Monsters who can reanimate