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Revision as of 21:49, 1 April 2016 by Ricken (talk | contribs) (→‎Making a Gallery)
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Images can be uploaded to AmtWiki to be used on pages. All images must be either of the .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .png file format.

For more detailed options and examples, see the MediaWiki Image Tutorial.

Uploading Images

Before you upload an image to AmtWiki, consider the following:

  • Where will I use this image? Images uploaded should be done so with the intent to add them to a page. Unused images may be considered for deletion.
  • Is this image necessary? Have you already uploaded a similar image, or one that serves a similar purpose?
  • Is the content of this image appropriate for AmtWiki? If the image doesn't fit under the purpose of AmtWiki, do not host it here.

To upload an image from your computer, load the desired picture into the database by using this form. All images uploaded must be 100 MB or less.

  • Then place the syntax [[Image:"your image name".jpg]] onto your page where you want the picture to go.
    • "your image name" is whatever you named the image when you uploaded it.

Formatting Images

The basic code for adding an image to a page is:


  • Filename is the title you give the image when uploading.
  • Extension is the file format (jpg, jpeg, png, gif).
  • Caption is the tooltip text, shown when placing your mouse over the image. This is optional.

There are many options, listed below in the next section.

Rendering Options

In the "option" section of the image syntax, you can add zero, one, or more of the following options:

  • Resizing the image, which can be done in multiple ways:
    • {width}px — Resizes the image to fit within the given maximum width in pixels, without restricting its height;
    • x{height}px — Resizes the image to fit within the given maximum height in pixels, without restricting its width;
    • {width}x{height}px — Resizes the image to fit within the given width and height in pixels;
  • Align the image horizontally, which you can do either left, right, or center.
  • Place a link in the image.
    • For internal links, add link="Page Title".
    • For external links, add link="URL".
  • Formatting the image, by either making it have a small grey border, a frame, or making it into a thumbnail using thumb.

Making a Gallery

You can make a pre-formatted gallery of images using the <gallery> tag. The syntax is:

File:file_name.ext|caption|alt=alt language
File:file_name.ext|caption|alt=alt language