H.B. Puddin'

From AmtWiki

Page H.B. Puddin', of Shadow Forge Winter's Edge Neverwinter

”Who's that killing people in the backfield, Puddin'?”



H.B. Puddin' began playing Amtgard on Oct 27th 2001, He is known as one of the founding fathers of Shadow Forge. He holds Shadow Forge together with his devoted loyalty, hard working attitude, great personality and fun loving attitude. Puddin' can be found most of the time with a smile on his face, and laughing about something.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments


Puddin has held all four offices within the Shire of Shadow Forge at one time or another, and has been in office far more often than not since October of 2001. This includes 2 sets of 2 back-to-back terms as Sheriff at one extreme, and a single term as Regent at the other.

Additional Images

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