Crimson Sanctum

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Revision as of 22:18, 17 December 2014 by Daedera (talk | contribs) (This is the final edit for the SoAR)

A defunct Shire of Westmarch, located in Van Nuys, California.


The story of Crimson Sanctum began in August 2004, when Lalailom Risteska and Anberon Nole (both college students at Azusa Pacific University; see right) took up residence in Azusa, California. Activity that first semester was low key, limited to small-scale sparring on the college’s Trinity Lawn by the new group’s scarce equipment.

Lalailom and Anberon, the founders of the chapter. Lalailom originally played in Cage Valley of Walla Walla, Washington; Anberon was a new player. In Lalailom’s own words, “Pretty much I was the one with the knowledge and he was the one with the motivation.”
The chapter’s revised heraldry. The red background and white sword kept their original meanings. The new dragons symbolize the affiliation with Dragonspine, and the new rooks symbolize the affiliation with Westmarch. The leaves on the bottom just look pretty.

In 2014, the park is once again up to respectable shire numbers ranging from 5-10. Sir Downfall, Prednjak, and Novac have been attempting to breathe new life into his chapter and bring it back to it's former glory, if not surpass it.

For more history, see Crimson Sanctum History


The chapter is currently deciding on a permanent park. Please check out our facebook page for more information. A tentative location/time is every Sunday at 1PM at | Woodley Park in Van Nuys, CA. You can find us in Section 2 and we try to meet near one of the first parking lots you see when you come into this section.


In September 2007, these short videos (Clip 1, Clip 2, Clip 3) were shot by a passerby at the old Northside Park location.

In August 2008, these photographs (Album 1) were shot by Rangor's Wench at the Crimson Sanctum-run Northern Invasion event.

More Information

Crimson Sanctum FB Page

Crimson Sanctum forum on, the Westmarch website

For more information, please contact Duke Sir Downfall by e-mail