Talk:Crimson Sanctum
Updated the park with new info from the 2014 audit. Moved history, and cleaned up some older data. Condensed the page down a little, so historic parks/locations don't confuse people. Removed placeholder images/text boxes. Removed from defunct listing per Sir Downfall's updates. Hannoske 10:20, 14 August 2014 (EDT)
Listed as a contracted land by the BLBoD. --Linden 01:53, 13 April 2008 (EDT)
I generally try to include people once they've been out a few times. Say... 4. If they go off and add their own entry before that, great. With that level of interest they'll probably stick around anyway.
OTOH, I have our people section divided up as imports/locals/fresh blood. People get moved out of the fresh blood section after their first couple levels (or again, when they do it themselves).
--BS Lucas
Updates of September 2008
I did a truly major update to the page. Edits were based on several conversations with major players in the chapter's past (Lalailon, Thorin, Shadowraith), hardcopy records to which I had access as Chancellor (sign-ins and contracts), and supplemental internet research (spelling and locations). Section-specific notes are as follows:
- In order to cut down on the number of updates that have to be made as we grow, I have used the terms “group,” “shire,” and “chapter” with great care. The first two are used only when historically accurate, and almost exclusively within the history section. The term “chapter” is used everywhere else, as otherwise we would have track down and replace the term every time we were promoted. Please be careful to respect this usage when making changes
- All photos used on this page have been named starting with "CS_", in order to make them easier to find. Please do the same with any new ones
- Vastly expanded, due to generous assistance from Lalailom, Thorin, and Shadowraith
- I tried to be name-light for the purposes of readability, only detailing those folks (five in number so far) who have had a truly major impact on the chapter’s history...
- ...with the exception of September 2008, to give the page an-up-the-minute, dynamic feel
- I still need to fill in the following photos
- Terrance and Thorin
- Current populace
- I realize this section looks a bit sidebar-heavy at present, but that should correct itself as more historical details are filled in
- Vastly expanded: added about 30 people, moved many as well
- Rather than listing everyone who has ever been in the chapter on the main page, I winnowed the list to focus on the current membership (when I started we showed only 4 current but over 20 past…made us look not so good)
- That said, I did give each sub-arm its own dedicated “honored past members” page and fluffed up their descriptors as much as I was able. Help on that last would be much appreciated
- I also created dedicated pages for each and every active member who did not already have one, using an identical format across all of them
- Vastly expanded: made existing parks consistent across the board post, the wiki, and the ORK; added past parks (here only); added map (here only)
- Cleaned up existing text
- Added link to Invasion gallery
Any suggestions or feedback would be welcome.
Cliff, what's your fascination with the bottom of our heraldry simply "looking pretty?" If you must know, the leaves were originally there to give a type of facial structure to the banner, as they originally formed a line that suggested the bottom lip of a dragon's mouth. There were originally two other leaves that suggested eyes, giving the whole heraldry the suggestion of a creature's face, staring straight at you. -Staccatto
Thank you, Andy. There are two reasons I kept it that way. Once, I got that quote from two separate people. Two, the write-up on the whole is very serious, and showing a little humor/ability to laugh at oneself is a proven way to both lighten the mood and make people feel more comfortable. As for the official reason you just supplied, it has been lost on literally *everybody*. Not a single one of the big names in the chapter's history could relate that story. Plus, saying an item is a residual artifact of a discarded plan (the rest of the face) does not make the chapter look very good....I'd taken humorous but intentional decoration over backtracked plans any day. Hope that helps. --Uranaga