
From AmtWiki

Squire Calixte, of Stormhaven, under the Principality of Viridian Outlands

"Never give up, I don't give up. I get frustrated, angry, but don't give up"



Started Amtgard in 2012 at the Free hold of Dragons Creek! I was in and out of the game alot throughout 2015. In 2015 i begin attending stormhaven regularly. Not much of a fighter i took an interest in A&S and the politics of amtgard. I have continued to be as active in the game as possible, i am currentley coming back after a break, i have continued to be to active behind the scenes and help where i can. I am MaA under Lady Guin Llewellyn and apart of the Noble House Llewellyn. I plan to hold office positions, learn more A&S and continue to push myself to be better.

Affiliated Groups

Hybris Legion
Position Plebeian
Membership Plebeian to # V

Church of the Apocalypse - Saint of Misfortune
House of the Serpents Ladder - Founder

Belted Family

  • Matriarch Countess Guin Llewellyn


Notable Accomplishments

Stormhaven PM [Spring 2016]

Additional Images

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif