Brandrith Jakobsdottir

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Page Brandrith Jakobsdottir, of Caradoc Hold

”Barbarian sewing: stab the hem with a needle until it surrenders.”

Brandrith Exposits.jpg

Giving exposition to the questors.


Started with Amtgard in March 2010. After a successful two years with the shire of Arrantor, including the historic Goblin Horde of Yule 2011, Brandrith moved to Caradoc Hold in the summer of 2012. She was officially belted as a page under Squire Molly at Great Eastern XV.

Positions Held

Sheriff, Arrantor, June 2011 - December 2011

Guildmaster of Reeves, Arrantor, January 2012 - June 2012

Sheriff, Arrantor, January 2012 - June 2012

Guildmaster of Barbarians, Caradoc Hold, January 2013 -

Dragonmaster, Caradoc Hold, March 2013 -

Additional Images

Brandrith Heraldry.gif Personal heraldry

Brandrith and Dernath.jpg

NPCing a quest with Dernath the Lost.

Brandrith and Pidgeon.jpg

Presenting awards with Pidgeon the Storm-Caller