About Real Knights

From AmtWiki

This is a listing of players thoughts in their own words about Knighthood


Strangely enough, that's EXACTLY what I'm telling (rather, suggesting) you do.

Do you love to fight? Then fight and get better.

Do you love to sew or paint? Then do it and get better.

Do you love to help out and make the club better? Do it and enjoy yourself.

Do you love to hold office and organize things? Sweet. Enjoy it.

Making Amtgard better is 1) easy, 2) everyone's job and 3) it's own reward. If you aren't enjoying yourself, stop, we don't need any more bitter tards ruining it for others. If you can't be bothered to help out, then go home, we don't need any more dead weight. If you can't just DO SOMETHING without expecting a reward of some kind, then go check yourself into a mental health facility because you have some kind of issues that we aren't qualified to assist with.

If you've been fed some line of shit that "real knights" can fight, I invite you to check your reality at the door.

REAL KNIGHTS help the club without expecting reward or even recognition.

REAL KNIGHTS help grow the club without belittling others for doing the same.

REAL KNIGHTS help others learn to be as "great" as they are, and then revel in the accomplishments of those same people.

REAL KNIGHTS volunteer. For everything.

REAL KNIGHTS treat every squire and page as if they were his own.

REAL KNIGHTS do not think the club owes them anything other than fun and comeraderie.

REAL KNIGHTS don't wave their creditentials, rest on their laurels or fade into obscurity.

REAL KNIGHTS care more about their club than about their own good time.