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Sir Viscount Yonwe, of Drandmir, HFS

”Too old for this shit.”



Yonwe began playing HFS in the City-State of Drandmir in early 2001, drawn into the game by a number of friends who were longtime members. After a few times in Drandmir, Yonwe migrated to the Kingdom of Kalladen, as he lived in Waco, and it was a pain in the ass to drive a hundred miles every week. He played in Kalladen for several months, until he felt the siren call of service, and was elected regent of Kalladen for the Winter '01 reign. However, the "special" leadership of Kalladen engaged in much douchebaggery, and Yonwe resigned the office rather than deal with the moronitude.

Urged on by Dame Kayrana of the Emerald Hills and Dame Elsha of Drandmir, Yonwe organized the formation of a new shire under Drandmir called "Morconor," meaning "Land of the Bear" in Quenya, and based in Waco at Baylor University. Yonwe was elected the first sheriff of Morconor and served two reigns while helping to build the new shire up from seven founding members to a bustling metropolis of twenty. Becoming a baron upon leaving office, Yonwe was elected chancellor of Drandmir and handled those credits and cash like a monster for the reign of Sir Kelsar in 2003. Becoming a viscount, Yonwe decided to stop killing himself with constant office, and decided it was more fun to run events, serving as the autocrat for three Morconor events, two Drandmir events, and feastocrating three events in 2003-2004. Finally, Drandmir had had enough of Yonwe's garbage, and during the reign of Squire Orlandu in Winter '03, Yonwe was knighted into the Order of the Hero for service.

After being knighted, Yonwe served as lieutenant of Morconor for the Spring '04 reign under Sheriff Talshär, made Kiyal his squire, then took a well-deserved break before graduating from Baylor in 2005. He was admitted to grad school in Boulder, CO, and so left HFS behind for a number of years (while snagging Melena as a squire for a year or so back in Drandmir), until returning to Texas in 2009. Now back in his beloved homeland, Yonwe realizes people never learn when they should have more sense than they do.

Affiliated Groups

The City-State of Drandmir The Shire of Morconor (defunct)

Belted Family

Sir Yonwe was squired to Sir Caerid Locke, who sprung fully-formed from the earth at the age of 15.

Sir Yonwe has two former squires, Dame Melena of Drandmir, and Kiyal of Morconor (inactive).

Notable Accomplishments

Sheriff of Morconor x2 Lieutenant of Morconor x1 Chancellor of Drandmir x1

Autocrat of Event x5 Feastocrat of Event x4

Founding member of the Shire of Morconor

Additional Images

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