Weapons (V7)

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Below is a list of weapon categories and their construction requirements.

See the Equipment Construction (V7) section for more information.


Projectiles (V7)

Except for javelins, projectiles may not be used to parry, block, or melee. There is no limit to the number that can be carried. Weapons not listed here and that do not fall into these categories may not be thrown (i.e. you may not throw your sword). Non-javelin projectiles that are not bearing enchantments or class abilities are indestructible. Projectiles that are affected by enchantments or Class Abilities (V7) (not to be confused with Class Traits (V7)) may only be destroyed by Spell or Magic Ball. *Note: Magic components thrown in combat (magical balls, etc) must follow the same safety rules as projectiles but must remain spherical and are not considered ‘projectiles’ for other purposes.*

I. Projectile Weapons

All these weapons do one point of damage to armor and may be blocked by weapons without penalty. Rocks (V7) hurled two-handed will deal two points of damage to armor, but otherwise behave the same.

II. Ammunition (V7)

Not explicitly granted to anybody, ammunition is a class of projectiles used in conjunction with other types of weapons.

Dagger (V7)

A slashing or piercing weapon up to 18 inches long. At least ten inches of its total length must be Strike-Legal (V7).

Short Weapon (V7)

slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning weapons more than 18 inches up to 36 inches in total length. The Pommel (V7) and handle of the weapon can be no longer than 1/3 of the weapon’s total length. At least 2/3 of its length must be Strike-Legal (V7).

Long Weapon (V7)

Slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning weapons more than 36 inches up to a maximum of 48 inches. The pommel and Handle of the weapon can be no longer than 1/3 of the weapon’s total length. If used to slash or bludgeon, at least 2/3 of its length must be strike legal.

Reach (V7)

slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning weapons more than 48 inches up to a maximum of 60 inches. The pommel and Handle of the weapon can be no longer than 1/3 of the weapon’s total length. If used to slash or bludgeon, at least 2/3 of its length must be Strike-Legal (V7). As of V8, all weapons of a size greater than "long" are considered Great (V7) weapons

Hinged Weapons (V7)

With a single articulating (chain-like) head. The chain of a hinged weapon is not a legal striking edge. Chains on these weapons must be wrapped in foam with less than half an inch of the rope exposed at any point. The combined rope and striking edge of a flail may not exceed 18 inches in length and the total length of the weapon may not exceed 36 inches. The top 50% of the non-rope and Strike-Legal (V7) portion of the weapon must be padded.

Madu (V7)

A shield joined to a polearm. The polearm portion of the madu may be shorter than the normal five feet. Only usable if a class can use both a polearm and a shield. If any portion of the weapon is broken, heated, or otherwise rendered unusable, all of it is disabled. Considered wooden for purposes of being targeted by spells or affecting monsters. Amtgard Magic and abilities that affect any part of the madu, such as Imbue Shield (V7), affect its entirety. Madus may never be considered great weapons. If a madu is built to slash at least 1/3rd of its length (excluding the shield portion) must be strike legal (including the 12 inch minimum for a slashing surface) and the rest must be Courtesy Padding. Any shield with weapons affixed to it in any form is considered a madu and must conform to these rules.

Spear (V7)

Stabbing-only weapons at least five feet in length and should not be confused with the javelin, which may be thrown (must have padding on upper 1/3 of length). Considered wooden for purposes of being targeted by spells or affecting monsters.

Staff (V7)

Bludgeoning weapon (ends may be used to thrust, but it is a bludgeon attack) of 5 ft to 8 ft that must have legal striking surfaces of at least 1 foot in length on both ends. Each end must be padded at least 1/3rd the total length of the staff. Considered wooden for purposes of being targeted by spells or affecting monsters. As of V8, this weapon falls into the Great (V7) weapon category.

Polearm (V7)

At least five feet in length. Includes spears but may also have slashing edges (minimum 1 foot in length for a striking edge, must have padding on upper 1/3 of length). Considered wooden for purposes of being targeted by spells or affecting monsters. As of V8, this weapon falls into the Great (V7) weapon category.

Bow (V7)

Arrows from a longbow do base four points of damage. Arrows from a short bow do base two points of damage. Hand Crossbow are considered short bows while two-handed crossbows are considered longbows. See the Archery (V7) section for more complete descriptions. Bows, crossbows, and arrows are considered wooden for purposes of being targeted by spells or affecting monsters.

Magic Weapon (V7)

Relics and weapons bearing an Enchantment (V7) other than Stun Weapon (V7).