Weapon Definitions
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Weapon Definitions
Weapons Weapon Safety · Weapon Definitions
This refers to the base of the weapon to which padding is affixed. For melee weapon cores the best things to use are carbon/graphite rods (such as from non-metallic golf clubs), kite spar, bamboo, PVC tubing or fiberglass. Other materials will be checked for safety on a case-by-case basis.
Metal and wooden cores are not legal, although metal may be used to counter-weight weapons provided it is permanently attached, and not in a place that may inadvertently strike an opponent.
The ends of all weapon cores must be blunted by capping them with a layer of foam and tape at a minimum.
For thrown acceptable options are denim, loose rubber bands, sweatshirt material, or similar.
Refers to the unpadded part of the weapon (where it is often held).
This refers to the padded portion of a weapon at the end of the handle, not intended for striking. The end of the pommel must have at least a 2” cross section perpendicular to the handle and must be padded.
This refers to an optional piece at the juncture of the blade and handle designed to deflect blows and protect the hand from injury. Cross guards must be padded and all tips must have at least a 2” cross section parallel to the handle.
Only Weapon Types with this descriptor may have a striking surface at both ends. This may be either a Stabbing Tip or a Slash edge unless otherwise restricted by the Weapon Type. Weapons may only have up to two ends.
This refers to the end of a weapon that is not the pommel, regardless of whether or not it is used to stab. Stabbing tips must not protrude more than 1.5” through a 2.5” ring when uncompressed, nor end in an angle less than 90 degrees and must be Strike-Legal. You must not be able to feel core through a stabbing tip.
This refers to the portion of the weapon that is designed to limit injuries from incidental contact with that part of the weapon and is not intended for striking. These portions of a weapon must have at least 1/2” of foam over the weapon’s core. A weapon is required to have courtesy padding over the entire circumference of its Strike-Legal length.
This refers to the portions of the weapon that are sufficiently padded to prevent injury when used to strike an opponent at full force.
This refers to portions of the weapon that meet all of the requirements of Strike-Legal, and in addition have at least a 4” cross section from edge to edge (instead of 2.5”) and at least 1” of foam over the weapon core. It is considered Strike-Legal for the purposes of scoring hits.
Refers to the distance from the bottom of the pommel (or one Stabbing Tip of a Double-Ended Weapon) to the furthest point of the weapon measured from the bottom of the pommel in a straight line parallel to the core of the weapon.
Swing/Slash: Indicates a weapon intended to be able to score a hit by swinging the weapon in such a way that the side (as opposed to the tip) of the weapon strikes an opponent.
Weapons Weapon Safety · Weapon Definitions