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Lady Squire Iladi Eder Laerfaren (character deceased) for current Biography go here Nim

”Look behind you. There I am.”

Iladi Eder Laerfaren.jpg


Introduction to: Iladi Eder Laerfaren Life-Fae touched daughter of Ae`lier, tree singer of the Leaf Fallen, and song traveler of the 7 Planes

How Iladi Came to Be

In dark times long ago, in the Gathering of the Leaf where the spirit trees spawned and birthed the firstborn of elvenkind, a battle between the Dark Fae dwellers seeking power over the 7 Planes waged war against the Elven Leaf Council of Da`agnnor. As the Dark Fae had the greatest power drawn from the Plane of Death on their side, the Leaf Gathering suffered the heaviest losses. Like a cancer, darkness spread over the Spirit Trees and their souls were viciously hewn by the powers of evil. None were left standing – save one. Hidden well behind the veil of the Life Plane stood, Ae`lier, tree of the Ancients empowering those born of its soul to be gifted the ability of Plane Song. Of those born of the tree were none.

Amid the Gathering of the Leaf flowed the river of life which sustained, Ae`lier. As war raged across the Gathering, blood of the battle-slain flowed freely into the waters, and the currents throughout the age of war ran red. From that time forward was the river named Gurgaran, the Red River of Death. Ae`lier drank of the river and received the defiled nourishment that the tainted waters provided. A sickness took hold and the Spirit Tree withered. In throes of death the birthing soul within the tree screamed out and brought forth a single male elven son spawned from the powers of the Dark Fae blood. Thus, the elven child’s name became Illian, "cries of a thousand woes". With his life came the death of Ae`lier. The defilement of his birth split the tree in twain sending the song of suffering rippling through the souls of all the trees’ surviving children leaving them in retreat with hopelessness and sorrow.

A Dwarven clan passing by heard the cries of the infant elf and took him unto their own stronghold far away in the land of Bhol Lodir. They gave to him as if he were one with the Dwarven blood. But, Illian grew with an unnatural haste and strength, and soon left the Dwarves behind. In his desire for power, as was true to his blood, he joined forces with the Shkrelian race, the result of an unholy union of Dark Elves and Demons, to learn the path of Pain. Elves from gatherings near and far were hunted to be taken as slaves and were forced to fulfill a duty to destroy the Dwarven Clans, for they possessed the resources required for Illian’s design. But he soon came to acknowledge that they were too strong to be allowed to live.

Illian returned to his guardians in the ancient Stronghold of Uddorat. There he touched the Planes of his kind, the Planes of Chaos and Death, and the Dwarves met with a great devastation at the hand of his great evil. With the enslaved at his side, Illian continued to conquer others across kingdoms and a hushed stillness settled. With such strength in numbers at his disposal, Illian rose to an unparalleled power.

When all things were silent in mourning for 100 passing seasons, the Elven Gods of the 7 Planes, saw fit to cleanse the land with the heavenly rains of weeping. The healing flow opened the Fae Plane of life and Ae`lier awoke from death to live once again. Imbued with the cleansing waters, Ae`lier opened in rebirth. Like no other spirit tree of the ancient gatherings, Ae`lier brought forth yet another elven child - a Plane singer, a Life-Fae touched sibling equal in tree soul to Illian; the light to his darkness. Iladi was her name. The elven child of the Plane of Life. Iladi of the Leaf Fallen.

Unlike Illian, Iladi was gifted with Ae`lier’s voice of song and as she grew, she learned the ancient songs of the 7 Planes: Earth and Astral Sea, Life and Death, Chaos and Suffering, and the Song of the Temporal Planes. Over the turning of many other seasons another song would come. The Song of Healing. She would in her future use these songs to bring balance to the elven sorrows and free the race from the grasp of Illian’s power. The Gathering of the Leaf would rise again.

How Iladi met Yawp and became his soul bond

Living alone in the destroyed ruins of the Leaf Gathering forest, Iladi moved freely about caring for Ae`lier and all creatures within. One day human rogues from the land of Redstorm happened upon the Leaf while escorting goods and services to opposition against Illian rising in the distance. Knowing no fear, Iladi quickly rose to defend the Leaf. She reached for her bow when she suddenly caught sight of a single most piteous beast; that of a half orc, half human male devoid of any intelligence to command his character. More animal than man, the beast’s first instinct when he gained scent of the elf was to fight. Iladi emerged from the shadows and stood with arrow ready to strike when a sudden darkness fell over her. In a void she dropped to the ground. She had been attacked from behind and knew not from where the blow came.

Upon waking, she struggled to focus. She looked around and found herself by an open fire complete with bowls, utensils, and a small covering nearby. Food was prepared beside her. She could see the half orc as he paced back and forth nearby with bloody sword in hand uttering the guttural tones of a word which sounded like a repeated and irritable, “Yawp.” As she regained her faculties, she looked to the half-orc inquisitively. Sensing she was awake he turned to her and said very simply, as if to answer a question, “Yawp Kill. Yawp Eat.”

A scent of death loomed over the makeshift camp. The smell was foul. It nauseated her. Searching for the source of the stench, Iladi looked behind her and saw a monstrous visage laying hacked and flayed open on the ground nearby. He had killed it and left her alive. It is passed down in the teachings of the Leaf that when another protects by endangering the self, a bond is created, and the elf is woven to the soul fabric of the savior. If the bond fails, the elf must die. Iladi dutifully crossed her fist to her chest in a gesture of submission as she realized the half-orc had intervened on her behalf. She arose rapidly but defensively so that when she approached the man-beast it was with great caution. He stood still, yet tall and fierce. For a moment she gazed at his face. It was torn and scarred from many battles fought and won; a true warrior’s grimace. Yet, she could see something more was behind the warrior’s expression. She looked him in the eyes and opening the song of earth within her, she saw in the beast great pain, the need for acceptance, and a strong heart of loyalty. Reaching slowly behind her while holding the eyes, she took an arrow out of her quiver. She then brought it to her head and with the tip of the arrow, she cut a cord of her long hair. But, before offering it to him she said, “Amin naa sii' sinome (meaning, in ancient Sindarin, I am now here).” She reached out and touched the chest of the man-orc and offered the lock as a symbol of her pledge to be bonded. The creature slowly took the lock, and as all animals do, took in the scent. After a moment of silent contemplation, he muttered a throaty “Yawp” and tucked the hair in his belt next to his skull amulet. Without warning he hastily grabbed Iladi, threw her over his shoulder, and with a barbaric “yawp!” carried her to the leaving caravan where he provided for her to receive rest. Following the warrior’s lead, the band accepted her into their human brotherhood, and she in turn vowed her honor as a bond to the half-orc, Yawp.

She would use the travels with the caravan to approach her destiny of one day confronting and assassinating her brother, Illian with the unwavering hope that with her sacrifice she would free her Leaf kindred from slavery and bring healing to the Gathering once again.


Affiliated Groups

Gray Wardens
Clan Doomcaber Household ~ Title ~ Baator /Rank ~ Right Fist - no longer together
The Horde - 2nd in trifecta
Eldari Court

Belted Family

Iladi was originally page to Bronic Welm (Bladesinger), Man at Arms to Malran Singollo, Squire to Clu da Bard in Winter 2018.

Iladi was then squired to her majesty, Queen Mother of the Emerald Hills, Sir Reyna Arafael July 1, 2019.

Other Belted Family include:

Yawp Doomcaber Yawp Khan and Golem the druid

Notable Accomplishments

Elected Chief of Tribe Blood Raven June 2019
Elected Regent of Red Storm in July 2019
Raised up as Baroness of Red Storm in June 2020
Best in Show for an illuminated manuscript piece Summer Coronation 2019
Appointed ambassador to the Eldari Court in July 2019.
Successfully negotiated a peace between the Kingdom of the Emerald Hills and the Seelie Fae creatures of the Eldari Court. Treaty signed with Immortan Kal Thrax on Aug. 10th 2019.
Second Place in Dragon Master 2021
Elected Regent of Emerald Hills Kingdom June/19/2021

Additional Images

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