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Faolan Wolfkin Darhart, of Diablo's Cauldron Media:Example.ogg Freehold

”Not all who wander are lost...”



Faolan is prehaps one of Diablo's Cauldron least known, and most tragic heroes. The only Bard of the Darhart house, Faolan was the son of the elven Arturus Darkhart, who by a horrid twist of fate his entire house was put to the sword when Orc raiders stormed his homeland. Faolan returned to find his home burned an his family slaughtered, as he searched the chared remain of his once beautiful home he found his father's blade, The Darkhart. Taking up his father's sword, Faolan vowed to avenge his clan by slaying the fel beings who did so caused him his pain.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

Faolan is currently the only Bard in Diablo's Cauldron

Additional Images

  • Link to image 1
  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website