Poison Weapon (V7)
From AmtWiki
Denoted with black ribbon
May poison one weapon. People who are wounded by poisoned weapons die if they are not cured in a 100 count. A person may only poison one of his own weapons. This effect remains on the weapon for the entire life.
Who gets it?
Assassins get this ability at 2nd level.
Anti-Paladins get this at 3rd level.
- Amphiboid
- Arachnae
- Basilisk
- Catoblepas
- Deep Dweller Elf
- Feathered Serpent Dragon
- Gargantuan Centipede
- Giant Manta Ray
- Giant Mosquito
- Giant Scorpion
- Gnoll
- Gypsy
- Harpy
- Headhunter
- Imp (weapons are naturally poisoned)
- Lizardman
- Manticore
- Mantis Warrior (ability and naturally-poisoned weapons)
- Medusa
- Naga (ability and naturally-poisoned weapons)
- Oni
- Pop Spider
- Putrescence (weapons are naturally poisoned)
- Quill Beast
- Scalor
- Scourge
- Skirit
- Giant Spider
- Spitting Snake
- Tatzlwurm
- Tsunami Oni
- Undine
- Wererat
- Wyvern
Player Notes
Lucas The Lost
The wording "People who are wounded" means that a poison weapon cannot effect someone through a dead leg. This appears to have changed from previous editions of the rules, though opinions differ as previous editions weren't as clear as they could have been. There is some controversy over this ruling, as many think it a might ricockulous.